The men trooped into work with resignation .
男人 们 被迫 只好一 伙 伙 地 开始工作。
They all trooped back to the house for a rest
他们都 成群结队 地回到房子里休息。
I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry
我被派往第10骑兵 队的A连。
There were reports of troop movements .
有报道称将要调动 军队。
The troop ships were convoyed across the atlantic .
运 兵船被护送渡过大西洋。
There have been numerous troop movements in this area .
这一地区 部队调动频繁。
Nothing could be more bizarre and at the same time more motley than this troop .
没有什么比这种 队伍更奇特和光怪陆离的了。
Amy was aware of the little troop of travellers watching the two of them
埃米知道那一 小队旅行者正在看着她们俩。
Troop morale has been greatly boosted .
Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles ants and spiders .
从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一 群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。
The troop is moving forward to the mountainous area .
The attack occurred as the United States and Britain announced major troop reductions by September .
在爆炸发生的同时,美国和英国宣布将在9月份大幅度减少 驻 伊 军队。
I have not slain a single man of your troop .
我没有杀死过你们 军队里的任何一个人。
The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35 troops from a dozen countries
下一阶段的军事行动将要对来自12个国家的35多名 士兵进行部署。
The company has one batch experienced the specialized designer team and the formidable specialized construction troop .
公司拥有一批富有经验的、专业的设计师团队和强大的专业施工 队伍。
A troop made up of strong old ladies surrounded him .
一个由强壮老太太们组成的 队伍包围了他。
a Scout troop .
一 队 童子军
There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border .
有报告说,新近有 军队越过边境。
Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I 'll show you a poorly uniformed leader .
显示给我看不整齐划一制服的 队伍,我也能展示给你看一位不整齐划一制服的领导。
A whole regiment of the enemy troop got caught in our ambush was eliminated completely .
整整一个团的 敌军中了我方埋伏后被全部消灭。
Armed with gas masks the army troop went into the room .
戴上防毒面具的 军队进入了房间。
We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry .
我们翼侧受到一 队骑兵的袭击。
Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite .
借助卫星可以观察到 部队的调动。
Differences may also be looming at the summit over NATO troop levels in Afghanistan .
这次北约首脑会议在北约驻阿富汗 军队人数问题上也出现了一些意见分歧。
There have been numerous troop movements .
A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements
可能是有人故意放火掩护小规模的 部队协同行动。
He came out with a troop of followers .
他带着一 大群随从走出来。
This completely upset the enemy 's strategic plan and troop disposition .
这完全打乱了敌人的战略计划和 军事部署。
Russian President Yeltsin and German Chancellor Kohl chaired the troop withdrawal ceremony and delivered speeches .
俄罗斯总统叶利钦和德国总理科尔出席 撤军仪式并发表了讲话。
What troop are you with ?
你是那个 军队的?