



  • A wondrous event which he had immortalised in verse .

    他在诗歌中赞颂并使之流传百世的 奇妙事件。

  • Bali is therefore a strange and wondrous thing ; it should not even exist yet does .

    因此巴厘岛是个 奇罕的地方;它甚至不该存在,却果真存在。

  • In this way the philosopher 's preoccupation with analysing concepts can also contribute to our appreciation of art in all its luxurious and wondrous manifestations .

    如此一来,从事概念分析的哲学家们的当务之急,对我们赏识艺术的全部奢华和 奇妙的表现,也能做出贡献。

  • But ultimately it 's our curiosity of their existence that 's the most wondrous thing of all .

    然而最终而言,所有当中最 精彩的还是我们对这些 景观的好奇心。

  • Through this period America acquired a wondrous quality for me .

    在这一段时期里,美国对我来说 简直 具有 奇妙的特征。

  • Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law .

    18求你开我的眼睛,使我看出你律法中的 奇妙

  • What 's even more wondrous is how it does so with perfection and seamless coordination .

    什么更 令人 惊奇的是如何这样做的完美,无缝协调。

  • They will also re-acquaint themselves with the wondrous virtues of cash in these difficult times .

    他们也将重新认识到现金在这种困难时期所具有的那些 妙不可言的优点。

  • Give ear to this Job ; Stand still and consider the wondrous acts of God .

    14约伯 ,你要侧耳听这话;要站立 思想 神奇 的作为。

  • We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests .

    我们乘车穿越这 湖泊及森林的广袤 神奇的土地。

  • Your brother is wondrous fond of you too isn 't he ?

    哥哥 特别喜欢你吧,是不是?

  • How soul-bewitching is His wondrous form !

    令人 惊讶的形态是多么地迷人!

  • I want to further explore the wondrous life in the universe and give and share the wonderful experience with those who care and loves me .

    我想进一步探讨世上 令人 惊奇的生命奥秘,和关心并爱我的人一起分享奇妙的体验。

  • And your peers writing to a great and wondrous mystery life of mine ;

    与你同龄,以伟大 神秘的迷书写生活;

  • The whole Monastery is full of wondrous human creations embraced by natural beauty and tranquility .

    在大自然的美景与宁静氛围的环抱中,整座禅寺蕴含 不可思议的人类创作。

  • Like a dream it is wondrous incomprehensible and poignantly memorable in all sorts of unexpected ways .

    它就像一个梦一样,以各种意想不到的方式 令人 惊奇、难以理解并辛辣深刻地被人们记住。

  • I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty and of thy wondrous works .

    我要默念你威严的尊荣和你 奇妙的作为。

  • I was filled with a wondrous new understanding of my past and what my life could mean for the future having left my guilt Behind .

    对我的过去我有了一种 全新的体验,我也明白了将来的意义,还 彻底地抛弃了罪恶感。

  • This moment was pegged way back in your history as the time for this wondrous change in consciousness .

    这一刻是挂的方式重新出现在你作为这个变革的时代意识 奇妙的历史。

  • You talk of wondrous things you see You say the sun shines bright ;

    你们讲到了 种种 奇景,你们说太阳光辉灿烂;

  • Your beauty is as wondrous as the computer it was created on .

    你的美丽就像电脑创造出来的那样 动人

  • He was so impressed by your wondrous palaces that he and his retinue swore their allegiances to you .

    他被你 辉煌的宫殿深深震撼,率领他的随从向你效忠。

  • She laughs when she should be crying and remains wondrous of her surroundings .

    在她应该哭的时候,她笑着,仍然保持对她周围环境的 新奇

  • As a spiritual being you are the most beautiful wondrous and holy person alive .

    作为一个精神的,你是最美丽的, 令人 惊奇,和神圣的人还活着。

  • Surely we should leave these wondrous animals alone I thought .

    我想,我们的确不应该打扰这些 神气的动物。

  • Make me to understand the way of thy precepts : so shall I talk of thy wondrous works .

    求你使我明白你的训词,我就思想你的 奇事

  • I forgot to mention that the design of the two dragons one facing each way is wondrous .

    我忘了提及这两条龙的设计,每个各自面对一边的方式是很 不可思议的。

  • Behind it thy seat is woven in wondrous mysteries of curves casting away all barren lines of straightness .

    幕后的你的座位,是用 奇妙神秘的曲线织成。抛弃了一切无聊的笔直的线条。

  • A wondrous world of phantasms .

    幻觉的 奇妙世界。

  • We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure .

    我们是更下维度中的一 下现 召唤您 进我们此次最 奥妙的冒险之旅。