tricuspid valves

[医] 三尖瓣

  • Tricuspid repair was performed in 8 patients tricuspid replacement was done in 10 patients 5 bioprostheses and 5 mechanical valves were implanted .

    结果无开胸出血死亡,行 成形8例, 替换术10例,生物瓣和机械 各5例。

  • Tricuspid valve reoperation was required in 4 patients whose mechanical valves were failure due to prostheses thrombosis or tissue ingrowth .

    4例由于血栓或内膜组织长入人工 口导致机械 功能障碍,需要二次手术(均为 单叶瓣)。

  • According to the simulation results the aortic valve pulmonary valve mitral valve and tricuspid valve closure timings and pressure gradient between both sides of the valves can be obtained .

    根据仿真结果,得到主动脉瓣、肺动脉瓣、二尖瓣和 的关闭时刻及 瓣膜两侧的血压差。

  • According to the valvular theory the vibrations affected by the mitral and tricuspid valves closure in early systole produce the first heart sound ( S1 ) . S1 usually includes many frequency components .

    体外反搏对血管剪切分力频率分量的影响根据瓣膜原理,第一心音(S1)是在心脏收缩期由二尖瓣和 关闭时引起的振动产生的,含有多个频率分量。

  • Conclusion With operating time chosen properly and peripheral operative measures taken carefully satisfactory curative effect can be obtained if positive treatment is applied to patients with combined lesion of mitral aortic and tricuspid valves .

    结论对二尖瓣、主动脉瓣与 联合 瓣膜病变的病人,只要手术时机选择适当,认真作好围手术期的处理后积极实施外科手术治疗,可取得令人满意的效果。

  • Method Open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass was performed in all patients : valve replacement ( 24 ) VSD repair and tricuspid annuloplasty ( 3 ) and Bentall ( 1 ) 17 mechanical and 7 homograft valves were placed .

    方法全组病例均在体外循环下施行心脏直视手术,瓣膜替换24例,室缺修补和 成形3例,Bental术1例。其中植入机械 17例,同种 7例。