tube culture

[tub ˈkʌltʃɚ][tju:b ˈkʌltʃə]


  • Hookworm species were identified by tube filter paper culture method ;

    试管滤纸 培养法鉴定钩虫虫种;

  • 50 ML - tube shaking culture and 24 well - plate assay for the screening of ergot mutants

    50mL- 摇床 培养暨24孔板法筛选麦角菌突变株

  • All of twenty-two strains can increase nodulation rate nodulation amounts nodule weight and biomass of alfalfa seedlings however they show distinctly difference in intruding capability during inoculating with tube culture plants .

    分离获得22株 根瘤 菌株回接均能显著提高苜蓿苗的结瘤率、结瘤量、根瘤重量和生物量,但它们的侵染能力有很大差异。

  • Inhibitions of conidial germination of Alternaria alternata by crude and purified chitinase were determined by finger tube culture method .

    以指形 培养法分别测定几丁质酶粗酶液和纯化的几丁质酶混合液(2种几丁质酶)对烟草赤星病菌孢子萌发的抑制作用。

  • Three transport systems are introduced the liquid and semisolid agar medium tubes and the sterilized dry aerobic syringe comparing with that of the sterilized dry aerobic tube for culture of anaerobic bacteria .

    采用液体培养基管、半固体琼脂培养基管、无菌干空针与无菌干 空管等方法同时送检厌氧菌 培养标本;

  • The infectivity of the oocysts obtained from the same origin but different animals and different purification methods in a bovine fallopian tube epithelial cell culture system was studied .

    探讨来自不同动物、不同纯化方法的卵囊在牛输卵 上皮细胞 培养系统的感染情况。

  • It was demonstrated that 50 mL - tube shaking culture combining with the 24 well - plate assay could increase the screening speed and successful chance .

    50mL- 摇床 培养与24孔板法相结合,有效地提高了筛选速度和成功率。

  • The Application of Polyurethane Sponge as a Support Substance of Medium in the Tube Culture of Sugarbeet Seedlings

    应用聚氨酯海绵小块作甜菜 试管苗培养的支持物

  • This study provides a new method for isolation of Yersinia pestis by a double-phase tube culture .

    本文报道了一个新的鼠疫菌分离方法&双相 培养法。

  • Through the experiments of multiplication of cabbage 's top of stem rooting of tube plantlet culture of transplanting and so on we have studied inducement and differentiation of wounded tissue multiplication of tube plantlet rooting and transplanting condition and establishes its clone system .

    通过小白菜的茎尖增殖分化 培养试管苗的生根和移栽 培养等试验,研究了小白菜愈伤组织的诱导分化,试管苗的增殖、生根以及移栽条件,并建立了它的无性系。

  • Results The size and structure of silicone tube and corresponding accessorial structure in inner culture chamber was determined to make dynamic culture of PGA-cell material compound .

    结果确定了硅 胶管的尺寸结构以及 培养室内相应的辅助结构,使整个反应器系统能够对PGA-细胞材料复合物进行动态培养。

  • The use of capillary tube in urine culture bacterium count

    毛细管用于尿 培养细菌计数

  • This paper deals with the effect of different carbon concentration on the growth of virus free potato test tube plantlets cultured under different light sources and the advantage of natural light in culture .

    就培养基碳源浓度对不同光源培养的马铃薯脱毒 试管苗生长的影响进行了系统的研究,分析了自然光照 培养的优势。

  • Studies on the induction of Bulblets in tube Cultivation of Flower Bulb and technique of forcing culture in Lilium Asiatic hybrids

    亚洲百合 试管鳞茎诱导、开花球培育及促成 栽培技术研究

  • Adventitious buds of tube plantlet of Banana cultivar ' Brazil ' was used to optimize culture medium for rooting by orthogonal experiment design method . The results showed that the 6-BA mainly affected rooting ratio root length root number and pseudo-stem diameter ;

    以香蕉品种巴西的 试管苗不定芽为试材,利用正交试验设计方法进行了生根 培养基优化试验,结果表明:6-BA对生根率、根长、根数、假茎粗的影响最大;

  • Haring adopted the four species pollen of Lycopersicon and twenty-two formulation of culture medium We studied the effect of sucrose and boric acid concentration on the pollen germination and pollen tube elongation and further optimized the isolated culture medium for Lycopersicon pollen germination .

    以番茄属4个种的花粉作试材,共用3组22个培养基配方,在研究硼酸和蔗糖浓度对花粉萌发和 花粉管伸长影响的基础上,对番茄属花粉萌发 培养基配方进行了优化。

  • Construction of tissue engineered articular cartilage without scaffold materials by centrifuge tube culture technique

    应用无支架离心 培养技术构建组织工程化关节软骨

  • One tube from each group was taken out and inoculated to cell culture board after cryopreserved for 15 days .

    冻存15d后,每组取出1 复苏并接种于细胞 培养培养

  • Objective To explore the feasibility of tissue engineered articular cartilage constructed by the technique of centrifuge tube culture and study its structure and function .

    目的探索应用离心 培养技术进行体外构建组织工程化关节软骨组织的可行性,并研究其结构和功能。

  • We adopted filter paper mensuration and tube culture to estimate its antibioltic activity among 9 samples to 8 kinds of tested germs in the antibioltic experiment . The results show that to bacterial 5.9 has the most obvious inhibition to Escherichia coli MIC is 1 . 25 % ;

    在花椒挥发油抗菌实验中,通过滤纸片法和 试管法研究了9个样品对8种受试菌的作用,结果表明:细菌中,9号样品对大肠杆菌抑制作用最明显,MIC为1.25%;

  • OBJECTIVE : To induce collagen phenotype in dedifferentiated transformed human articular chondrocytes with centrifuge tube aggregate culture .

    目的用离心 聚集体 培养(aggregateculture)诱导去分化转化人关节细胞的Ⅱ型胶原。

  • The percentage and quality of rooting are significantly improved when the tube plantlets are treated by exogenous sugar before rooting by air culture method .

    组培芽苗进行气 生根 培养前经外源糖溶液处理可显著提高 培茎段生根率和根系质量。

  • When the seed cells crawling the basal lamina tube fully and then continued to culture two days so as to prepare for the transplantation . 3 .

    待种子细胞爬满基膜 后,再继续 培养一周,并为植入体内作储备。

  • The results showed that pollen germination rate pollen tube bursting rate and net pollen germination rate had difference in the various culture mediums .

    结果表明,不同 培养基中七子花的花粉萌发率、 花粉管破损率和花粉净萌发率有较大的差异。

  • Conclusion Centrifuge tube aggregate culture method can induce the secretion of type ⅱ collagen of transformed chondrocytes .

    结论离心 聚集体 培养是诱导转化软骨细胞Ⅱ型胶原的有效方式。

  • This paper also studied the conserving tube peculiarities in agar-slant low temperature nature culture media pole shape low temperature and liquid olefin normal temperature respectively .

    对琼脂斜面低温 保藏、自然 基质柱状低温保藏和液体石蜡常温保藏比较表明,前两者结合使用,是一种简单易行的 、长期兼顾的保种方。

  • A New Method for Increasing Spikes Seed-setting Rate of Tube Shoots of H_1 From Anther Culture in Winter Wheat

    提高冬小麦花粉 试管苗H1穗系产率的新方法

  • Studies of Affecting Factors on Rooting Induction of Embryogenic Test Tube Seedling of Chinese Date in Tissue Culture

    影响枣胚培 试管 苗生根因子的研究