King Tut 's well-preserved face looks like dark leather and he has a hint of a smile .
卡蒙 木乃伊保存的很好,面部呈现暗褐色,看上去有点象褐色皮革,而且面带微笑。
Professor Kolb ( the students called him King Tut ) was especially rough that year .
科尔布教授(学生们都称他“ 啧啧 王”),那年特别不通融。
King Tut has what Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass calls beautiful buck teeth .
这位埃及 法老 图坦卡蒙有一副漂亮虎牙。
Tut you are my little brother and I will always love you as your elder sister .
Tut ! I 've got some chalk on my coat .
Learning organization not only provides the demands for long - life learning of the individual tut also provides the stage of learning production 's sharing .
学习型组织不仅为个体的终身学习提供需求, 同时也为学习的成果共享提供舞台。
It did show that the two bone fragments in Tut 's cranial cavity exactly matched some missing pieces from the pharaoh 's first vertebra near the skull .
它显示出在 图坦的头盖骨穴内的两个骨头碎片与靠近头骨的第一块脊椎骨处丢失的碎片有些相像。
King Tut you surprised me .
图特 王,您的 来访让我很惊讶。
The work on King Tut is part of a five-year Egyptian Mummy Project to image and preserve Egypt 's mummies and to solve various mysteries about the diseases and lifestyles of ancient Egyptians .
研究 图特 法老的工作只是一个关于埃及木乃伊的五年计划的一部分,该计划包括对木乃伊进行扫描成像、遗体保护以及揭示古埃及 人生老病死方面的神秘面纱。
Another author Marie Corelli issued a warning after the discovery of King Tutankhamens ( King Tut ) tomb that anyone who dared enter would be severely punished .
在埃及图坦克哈门王(塔特王)的陵墓被发现后,另一位作家 玛丽柯瑞里发出警告:擅闯者将严惩不怠。
Tut tut ! such a big boy crying .
那么大的小子还哭,真 没羞。
The scientists have focused on a fracture in Tut 's left thigh bone as the most likely cause of death .
科学家们认为左 大腿的骨折是最有可能的死因。
The TUT - 1 telerobotics system is proved to achieve the objective of reducing the time delay and controlling system more reliably and expediently .
通过将虚拟AGV绑定真实移动机器人在结构化环境下的进行遥操作实验,证明了 TUT-1遥操作系统达到了减小网络时延影响和对系统的遥操作方便、稳定的目的。
Along with King Tut perhaps no figure is more famously associated with ancient Egypt than Cleopatra VII .
说到古埃及, 人们 能 想到的著名人物除 图特 王 外,恐怕就剩埃及艳后克娄巴特拉七世了。
His kungfu is very terrible foreigners will always praise for his tut !
他的功夫很了得,外国人都对他 啧啧赞叹!
I was lucky when I learned from this tut because I have a background in programming .
我非常幸运我能学到本 文件 拓展 名因为我有过编程的经历。
Everybody on campus except me I guess knew that old King Tut had five sets of examinations ( ten questions in every set ) which he rotated over a five-year period .
我估计,除了我,学校里没有人不知道老“ 啧啧 王” 备有五套试题(每套十个问题),五年期间轮换使用。
Tut had been affixed to his coffin by resins used in the embalming process .
Kimball : Hey do you wanna go to work or do you wanna play nurse with King Tut ?
周:你想去干活儿还是在这儿给 木乃伊做护士?
Stories of the mummy 's curse excited the world after the discovery in1922 of Egyptian King Tutankhamun ( Tut ) 's tomb .
1922年,埃及 法老图坦卡蒙的陵墓被世人发现,由此引发的“木乃伊诅咒”之说震惊了全世界。
How many times in history has the location of a tomb potentially greater than King Tut 's been known only to have those in charge decide to postpone opening it indefinitely ?
历史上数次发现了 比图坦卡蒙陵墓更大的陵墓位置,也还不是无限期的推迟挖掘。
Tut tut ! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child .
那么大的孩子还撒娇,真 没羞。
Though King Tut collected the mimeographed questions from each student he did not reckon with the organizing ability of fraternity students .
尽管考完后他将 每份试卷都收了回去,但绝没料到学生联谊会的组织能力如此出色。
Romeo : tut I have lost myself ; I am not here ; this is not romeo he 's some other where .
罗: 嘿 !我已经遗失了我自己;我不在这儿;这不是罗密欧,他是在别的地方。
Some do it for the same reason people have always tucked mementos into a casket ( or tomb as in the case of King Tut ) .
人们常常把遗物卷入棺材里,或者像 图特王一样卷入墓中。许多人那样做也是为了同样的理由。
Those fussy fellows at the State Department tut - tutting about lack of reform in the political system ( John Hughes )
国家机关那些挑剔的家伙们对政治体系没有进行改革而发出了不满的 啧啧声(约翰休斯)
This health certificate can be submitted after receiving the letter of acceptance from TUT .
健康证明书亦可于接到本 校 之录取通知信函时寄 缴。
Mystery of King Tut 's demise solved ?
图特卡蒙法老神秘 死因 揭晓了?
X-rays of King tut 's mummy performed in1968 reealed what looked like a bone fragment in his skull which fueled the belief that King Tut may hae been murdered by a blow to the head .
1968年x射线拍片显示 图特木乃伊的颅骨处有类似骨折碎片的东西,据此印证了一个猜想,即图特卡蒙法老是头部遭重创而被谋杀的。