It is a truth discovered by economists for hundreds of years and also is the claim of financial development ;
利率 市场化也是金融发展的客观 要求;
But it doesn 't say anything about the truth of the claim .
但是这没说任何关于 宣称 真理的事。
So I claim you accept my claim about the truth values and you accept my claim about validity .
我说你们接受我的宣称,也就是 真值,你们接受我关于有效性的 宣称。
There is truth in the claim that content is king but content belongs to those such as J.K. Rowling and Steven Spielberg who create it and reap a large proportion of the rewards .
内容为王的 说法确实有 道理,但内容属于像JK罗琳(J.K.Rowling)和斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)这些创造内容并收获大部分回报的人。
This frees you to do consciously what most people do unconsciously & make your best subjective judgment about the veracity or fallacy of any truth claim .
这么做会让你摆脱出来,去有意识地进行一项许多人在无意识下做的事:对任何 真理 宣言的错误和正确作出最好的主观判断。
Nick Griffin Does the truth of the fact that Nick griffin is a leader of the BNP bear at all on the claim and the truth of the claim that some people worry about immigration ?
事实的 真理,是BNP的领导,是出在有些人担心移民的 宣称上?
Not a scintilla of truth in the claim
这种 说法中没有丝毫的 真实性
He continues to assert the truth of the claim .
他继续肯定地 说那个 说法 是 真的。
I have some reservations about the truth of your claim .
我对你的 说法 的 真是性有些保留看法。
More doubt about the truth of the lunar landing comes from NASA 's claim that it used regular slide film to take pictures on the moon .
更多关于登陆月球 真相的疑惑来自NASA 声称他们是用普通幻灯片在月球上拍摄的。
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