


  • This is the fresh zippy invigorating smell of lemon zest usually associated with the fruit 's acidity .

    这是一种柠檬风味的新鲜、 活泼、爽快的味道,通常和水果的酸味相关联。

  • What is cooler than stopping to wrap a silk scarf around your mane before you step into a zippy convertible ?

    还有比在 踏入 敏捷 多变 地区之前 不再用一条丝绸围巾包住你的头发 酷的 行为吗?

  • It 's a pretty zippy system and well suited to an open test situation ; unless you 're doing huge parallel batch jobs you don 't have to worry about the impact of other users on your own work .

    这是一个非常 灵活的系统,非常适合进行开放测试的情况;除非您正在执行大量并行批处理作业,否则就不用担心其他用户对您自己的工作会造成什么影响。

  • Now that the zippy electrons are ready to roll when can we expect the spin superhighway to make it to the chips in our laptops ?

    现在, 充满 活力的电子已经准备妥当, 那么我们什么时候才能企盼自旋高速路将其 输入我们的笔记本电脑的芯片之中?

  • With an inexpensive compact car there is no middle ground in acceleration : it 's either zippy or it 's a dog .

    一辆廉宜的紧凑型汽车,在加速方面,是没有中间派的:一是 身手 敏捷的,否则的只是有一头小狗的 表现

  • Parts of Britain for example fear that a new zippy railway will create a second tier of cities supplied by fewer and slower trains .

    例如,英国的部分地区担心新建的 高速铁路会使一些城市成为 拥有更少的车次和更慢火车的二线城市。

  • Stanlake Park Bacchus 2005 is very well made super-clean and fruity with England 's characteristic zippy acidity .

    StanlakePark,Bacchus2005酿造得非常好,超纯净,葡萄味中带有英格兰特色的 清新酸味。

  • Palate : Refreshing clean with zippy acidity .

    口感:清凉 爽快 带有 活泼的酸度。

  • No zippy one-liners ? Not a lot of smiles .

    没有 活泼的笑话能手?没有欢笑。

  • However children be reassured : he only does it once a year for us all and by following my instructions he will remain fresh and zippy !

    但是,孩子们请放心:他每年只做一次,如果按照我说的去做,还是会保持 活力的。