


  • Elliott rigged up 1.5-meter nets made out of window bug-screens and plastic tubing .

    埃利奥特用窗纱和塑料 做了一张1.5米长的网。

  • After a week clean and sanitize the carboy the bung the airlock and the plastic tubing .


  • The influence of surface condition on N80 tubing laser enhancement is studied for obtaining better surface enhancement layer .

    为获得较好的表面强化层,研究了表面状态对N80 油管激光强化的影响。

  • Fourteen days later clean and sanitize your bottles and your tubing .

    十四天以后,清洗并且消毒您的瓶和您的 管材

  • Carbon steel coiled tubing ( CT ) strings have been used in sour wellbore environments for many years .

    碳钢连续 油管运用于含酸井筒环境已有多年历史。

  • Spherical union swivel Sweat tubing to adaptor before fitting adaptor to water connection .

    球面活 接旋转接头在将热水器接头的 转接头与水管系统连接之前,先把转接头焊接在水管系统上。

  • Teeth are replaced with silver or gold and blood vessels are replaced with plastic tubing .

    牙齿用银或金替换,血管用塑料 替换。

  • It points out the necessity of tubing anchor in pumping wells especially in deep wells .

    指出了在抽油机井,尤其是深井中进行 油管锚定的必要性。

  • This allows each valve to be mounted directly to an actuator without the use of hard piping or tubing .

    这使得每个阀直接安装无需硬管或 油管用一个执行机构。

  • She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts siphoning gas from a huge metal drum

    她把一根塑料 放进嘴里,开始从一个巨大的金属桶里吸气。

  • Now you have a teflon tubing over but it is still bigger and sliding all over .

    现在你有一个 特氟隆 结束,但它仍然是“大”和滑动各地。

  • Pin-to-box pipe Tubing thread is available for API tubing threads and TM threads .

    阳螺纹-阳螺纹管子 油管螺纹可采用API油管螺纹,或TM螺纹。

  • Resin for thin wall wire insulation small parts film and tubing .

    薄壁电线绝缘树脂,小零件,电影和 管材

  • Objective : ? To study the clinical application of tympanic cavity tubing technique with tympanic cavity tubing pusher .

    目的:探讨应用鼓室置管推进器进行鼓室置 术的临床应用价值。

  • Based in Jiangsu province the company makes casing tubing and drill pipes for the oil-and natural-gas-exploration industry .

    WSP总部位于江苏,主要生产油气勘探行业所用的套管、 油管和钻杆。

  • Plug-in base or manifold mount with optional plug-in tubing connections and terminal block for ease of wiring .

    插件安装与基地或多种可选插件 油管为便于布线连接块和终端。

  • The aluminum extruded tubing features threaded body and more

    铝挤压 管材螺纹的身体和更多的功能

  • Use a hair dryer or heat gun to shrink the teflon tubing .

    使用吹风机或热风枪缩小聚四氟乙烯 管材

  • The port side is the vent valve and tubing and the starboard side is the blow tube .

    港口方面是发泄阀和 油管,和右舷侧是打击管。

  • Selection of tubing material is dictated to a large degree by the aggressiveness of the stack gases .


  • Drag onto the page to add flexible tubing for drip irrigation emitters or leaky pipe .


  • Install Line Guard Clamp II on3-1 / 2 Tubing Joint to assure clamp and installation tool is compatible .

    在3-1/2 油管接箍上安装控制管线保护器,以保证夹钳和安装工具相容。

  • In order to increase coiled tubing work time the structure in coiled tubing system is improved without gooseneck .

    改进连续油管作业装置的结构,不用导向架是延长连续 油管使用时间的有效途径。

  • Install all tubing and all associated instrumentation as shown on the associated location plans and typical installation details .

    按照相关位置图和标准安装详图安装所有 管件和所有相关仪表。

  • The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment .

    不锈钢 比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。

  • Sealing covers of tube banks tubing and the equipment component is allowed to open before the construction .

    管束、 管材及设备部件封闭的密封罩,在施工前允许开启。

  • The high-density polyethylene pipe is a new type of tubing .

    雨水管所采用的高密度聚乙烯管是一种新型 管材

  • Use seamless stainless steel for pneumatic tubing properly supported and complete with compression type fittings .

    气动 导管,支架连同压缩型配件应采用无缝不锈钢。

  • All air tubing on control and actuated valves shall be stainless steel .

    所有控制阀及?上的空气 都应为不锈钢。

  • The tubing needs to be jacketed .

    管道 系统需要装护套。