Try a two-handed backhand same grip and then low to high .
试着 用 双手反拍,同样握 法,由下往上。
This is a classic preparatory position for a two-handed backhand .
这是一个经典的 双反准备 姿势。
The two-handed piano-playing robot was given its worldwide debut at TIROS .
这个 用 两只手弹钢琴的机器人首次在国际上亮相。
Fury warriors use the same two-handed weapons that Arms warriors do .
狂暴战士和武器战士都用 双手武器。
With this little trick you can get a Mage to wear a Two-Handed Sword or a Rouge with a Staff .
这个小技巧让你可以用一个法师 装备 双手剑,或盗贼拿 法杖。
A two-handed shot from a stationary position .
打到二垒 手位置的 滚 地球在 最 舒服位置的 双手投篮。
Humans : Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1 % .
人类:锤技能特长现在增加锤和 双手锤的致命一击率1%。
Some tennis players use a two-handed grip .
一些网球运动员用 双手握拍。
All Date units have a charge bonus and their fearsome no-dachi samurai with two-handed swords are cheap to recruit and maintain .
所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带 双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。
Titan 's Grip now reduces your physical damage done by10 % when dual-wielding two-handed weapons .
泰坦之握现在减少10%物理伤害,当双持 双手武器时。
When using two-handed attacks the speed of both weapons are averaged .
The two-handed UV lamp dries all UV topcoats gels and acrylics .
It is the two-handed sword of King Arthur and depicted over the door of the Cadet Chapel .
它是亚瑟王的 双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。
THE TWO-HANDED HANDSHAKE : when you use two hands to grab the interviewer 's one hand .
双手式握手:当你用两只手抓住面试者的一只手时,这 称 为 双手式握手,这不 专业。
Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters .
现在所有萨满都可以在合适的训练师处学习双手锤和 双手斧技能。
And for people who are really uncomfortable about being embraced a warm two-handed handshake will satisfy the need to be touched .
而对于那些确实对被 拥抱感到不自然的人,热情地也能达到接触的需要。
Carter then followed it with a two-handed dunk from just inside the free throw line .
紧随其后,卡特又完成了罚球线内一 步 起跳 双手扣篮。
As a natural measure of HCI two-handed interaction not only matches the habit of human cognition and behavior but also improves the bandwidth of computer input .
It now displays a different number for one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons and adjusts to the speed of your current weapon .
现在将为单手和 双手武器显示一个不同的数字,并且会根据你手上武器的速度进行调整。
Into a more two-handed and one-handed form .
成了 双手和单手混用。
The death knight was always conceived as using both large two-handed weapons and dual-wielding one-handed weapons .
死亡骑士通常被认为是能够使用 双手大型武器,或者双持两把单手武器的职业。
His two-handed backhand once considered a liability was a strength as he hit multiple passing-shot winners down the line .
他的 双反曾被认为是负担,但当他在底线打出多记穿越致胜分后成了力量。
She also has an unusual playing style hitting two-handed off both her forehand and backhand .
她的打法也颇为独特,正手和反手都 采用 双手握拍的方式。
Titans Grip : While you have a two-handed weapon equipped in one hand your physical damage done is reduced by10 % .
泰坦之握:当你 双 持武器,且有一把 或 以上 是 双手 武器的时候,你所造成的物理伤害减少10%。
Shock troops wielding a large two-handed sword and armoured in chain .
高地剑士身穿链甲,挥舞 双手 巨剑, 作战 极 为 凶残。
It 's probably the first time ( two-handed players ) win the singles and the doubles Peng said .
彭帅赛后说:这可能是 温网 赛场上第一次( 双手 握 拍球员)同时赢得单双打冠军。
A two-handed sledgehammer ; a two-handed crosscut saw ; a machine designed for bimanual operation .
两手 用的锤;两手用的锯;计划两手操作的机器。
These well trained warriors are protected by plate armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword .
双手剑士身穿板甲,挥动 双手 巨剑, 极 为训练有素。