For some unaccountable reason these were not vast calamities .
也 不知 由于 什么原因, 原来这些并不是大灾难啊。
Perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress ; an unexplainable fear .
只能察觉到一些阻碍发展的 莫名其妙的影响;莫名其妙的恐惧。
I often suffer from unaccountable headaches . My head was throbbing .
我常 莫名其妙地头疼。
I think people are often praised both reaction : one kind is complacent tail cocked up One kind is ashamed unaccountable uneasy .
我觉得人受到表扬往往有两种反应:一种是洋洋得意,尾巴翘起;一种是惭愧 难言,局促不安。
She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world the most unaccountable and absurd !
她当即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至极, 不可思议。
He had an unaccountable change of mind .
他 莫名其妙 地改变了主意。
It 's most unaccountable that we should never have known you .
实在 不可思议,我们怎么会一直不认识你。
Perhaps it was unusual in the circumstances unlucky unaccountable ; but there it was ; and this as she had said was what made her detest herself .
也在这种情形里,她的感情是不同寻常的,不幸的, 不 可 解释的;但是,实际上正是 如此;正像她已经说过的,这就是她为什么要自己恨自己的原因了。
Most are orphans that have by some unaccountable means survived .
他们大多是 莫名其妙存活下来的孤儿。
My confessions have not relieved me ; but they may account for some otherwise unaccountable phases of humour which I show .
我的 自白并不能使我轻松;可是这些话可以说明我所表现的情绪, 不如此是 无法说明的。
For some unaccountable reason it struck me as extremely funny
不 知道为什么,我觉得这极其滑稽。
An unusual significant or unaccountable fact or occurrence ; a marvel .
奇迹 不同寻常的、 非凡的事实或事件;奇迹。
To the conspiracy theorists the Federal Reserve is a dangerous shadowy and unaccountable organisation like the United Nations or CIA but without the black helicopters .
在阴谋论者看来,美联储(Fed)是一个危险、阴暗、 不 负 责任的机构就像与联合国(UN)或中央情报局(CIA)一样,只不过没有黑色直升机。
Would elected governments accept the guesstimates of unaccountable technocrats ?
民选政府会认可 不靠谱的技术官僚们 瞎猜出来的数字吗?
The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts .
一 种 难以 形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪 万端。
An insane person is unaccountable for his actions .
精神病患者对其行为 不 负 任何 责任。
At times nevertheless it did seem unaccountable to her that a decidedly bookish musical thinking young man should have chosen deliberately to be a farmer and not a clergyman like his father and brothers .
不过有的时候,似乎她也 难以 理解,他这样一个书生气十足、爱好音乐和善于思索的年轻人,为自己选择的竟是做一个农民,而不是像他的父亲和哥哥一样去当牧师。
Economic policy in Europe should not be run by an unaccountable committee of governors of central banks .
欧洲经济政策不应由 不 负 责任的央行行长委员会来执行。
It was altogether extraordinary and unaccountable .
这实在出人意料, 实在 无法 形容。
In Iran we see where the path of a violent and unaccountable ideology leads .
在伊朗,我们看到暴力与 不 负 责任的意识形态之路 正在通向何方。
What gives unaccountable agents the right to do that statesmen and business leaders ask .
政治家和商界领袖们常常 质问, 无需 负责的机构为什么有权这么做。
The problem of unaccountable company leaders has a long history .
公司领导 层 不 负 责任的问题由来已久。
There were some unaccountable gaps in his story .
他讲的话有些 地方 连贯 不 起来。
In the past the Chinese have complained loudly that the miners behave like an unaccountable oligopoly .
中国过去曾大声抱怨,称这些矿商的行为像不 负 责任的寡头。
As he worked a sudden and unaccountable terror took possession of him .
在干活的时候, 不知怎么他突然感到 毛骨悚然 起来。
For some unaccountable reason I put the letter in the wrong envelope .
说 不 清楚 什么原因,我把信放错了信封。
I was overcome by a quite unaccountable sense of menace .
我为一种不可名状的威胁而 不能自已。