Incidentally you can use the return status code information inline by chaining commands with the & or | | symbols to act as an and or or type statement .
有时候可以通过使用&或符号作为and、or或 type 语句,从而使用返回状态代码信息内联。
Remove the argument list following the type argument in the statement invoking the generic type .
在调用泛型类型的 语句中,移除 类型变量后面的变量列表。
JDBC is a type of Java API with execute SQL statement provide unity visit for multiple relationship database .
JDBC是一 种用于执行SQL 语句的JAVAAPI,可为多种关系 型数据库提供统一的访问接口,它由一组用Java编写的类和接口组成。
Because Groovy is a dynamically typed language defs do not require any type declarations for parameters nor do defs require a return statement .
因为Groovy是动态类型的语言,所以def不需要对参数作任何 类型声明,def也不需要return 语句。
If the historic situation that some particular statement actually demonstrates is sufficiently like the type of affairs that the sentence used in making it describes this statement can be seen as true .
如果某个陈述实际上所指示的历史事态,与用于做出该陈述的语句所描述的事态 类型足够相像,该 陈述就可以被看作是真的。
The type of locals declared in a fixed statement must be a pointer type .
在固定 语句中声明的局部变量 类型必须是指针类型。
All it takes is a single line of code to turn that string data into a native JavaScript data type by evaluating the JSON-formatted string using the eval statement .
通过使用eval 语句对JSON格式的字符串求值,只需要一行代码就能将该字符串数据转化成原生JavaScript数据 类型。
The statements that have been executed in the system are grouped by type along with summary statistics for each SQL statement group .
系统中已经执行的语句按 类型分组,还提供每个SQL 语句组的统计汇总数据。
If you leave the Event condition for event type statement field empty the DB2 statement event monitor is started for the whole monitored database .
如果让Eventconditionforevent type statement框空着,就对整个数据库启动DB2语句事件监视器。
For the vector type for example you should put an explicit include statement for vector in your source code such as # include .
比如,对于vector 类型,您应当明确地将include 声明放置在源代码中,比如include。
The instructions for each server type are wrapped in a case statement .
每一个服务器 类型的说明都封装在一个case 语句中。
The variant with the PreparedStatement is more elegant regarding the coding as no string arithmetic is required to put the values for STATE and TYPE in the SQL statement .
使用PreparedStatement的那种代码片段在编码方面更为优雅,因为在将STATE和 TYPE的值置入SQL 语句时,不需要进行字符串运算。
Illegal type In Read / Readln statement
在read/readln 语句中的非法 类型
Although narrative updates on projects are appreciated the TRF report form for your specific grant type is required and includes an itemized financial statement .
虽然计划以故事叙述方式的更新是被赞赏,但你特定奖助金 种类的扶轮基金会报告表格仍然需要并且要逐项列明其财务的 说明。
To do this type a long input line that first contains a date statement to output the time and date in the desired format ( usually hours and minutes suffice ) .
要完成这项工作,可以 输入一行以date 语句开头的长输入行,以便按照需要的格式(通常,小时和分钟就足够了)输出时间和日期。
Based on analyzing and evaluating current intellectual report this paper designs a new type of intellectual capital report framework composed of main statement enclosed statement and statement note .
本文在对目前的智力资本报告进行分析与评价的基础上,设计了一 种由智力资本报告主 表、表及报表附注所组成的报告框架。
The integrity repeatability and type matching of SQL statement are checked via the system . In order to display modify check and build SQL statement function expression and condition are defined as object .
系统对SQL 语句进行了完整性、重复性和 类型匹配等检查,并且把函数、表达式和条件作为对象,便于显示、修改、检查和生成SQL语句。
I had to type this statement several times a day . Each time my computer would lock .
我每天都要把这个 密码 输入好几次。
On the design the query page in the query string box type the following Transact-SQL statement that lists the current connections to your database engine and then click next .
在“设计查询”页上的“查询字符串”框中, 键入以下transact-sql 语句以列出当前与数据库引擎的连接,再单击“下一步”。
When you type in the if statement and the terminating colon then press Return ( or Enter ) on your keyboard the Python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement .
当 键入if 语句和终止的冒号,并按键盘上的回车键时,Python解释器就知道您输入了一个复合语句。
You are provided with an SQL Editor window where in you can type or paste down the SQL statement and execute it .
在SQLEditor中,可以 输入或粘贴SQL 语句,然后执行它。
Type an SQL statement .
输入一个SQL 语句。
You need to look in the body to see if there are any super method invocations which are a specific type of statement .
您需要查看程序体中是否有父类方法调用,它是一个特定 类型 的 语句。
Use the CREATE TYPE statement to create a structured type and use the DROP statement to delete a structured type .
可以使用CREATE TYPE 语句创建一个结构化类型,并使用DROP语句删除结构化类型。
The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True .
Python中的第二 种流控制 语句是while循环,它在一个表达式计算为True时执行一个程序语句块。
Note : If you don 't use a schema or XQuery processor that knows that the date attribute is a date type you can get errors with this statement .
注意:如果没有模式或者使用的XQuery处理程序不知道date属性是日期 类型,该 语句可能会出现错误。
If the document was large or complex it would be impractical to type the XML data into the INSERT statement as shown .
如果文档非常大或者复杂,那么像示例那样将XML数据 输入到INSERT 语句是非常不切实际的。
This article goes through a thorough Comparsion with Programming Language C and Basic in five aspects : data type operator expression program structure and statement .
本文就C语言与BASIC语言在数据 类型、运算符、表达式、程序结构、 语句五个方面进行一些主要的比较.指出C具有更丰富的数据类型、运算符、 表达式,具有更强的功能;
美[taɪp ˈstetmənt]英[taip ˈsteitmənt]