Mitigated face threating acts are taken as being polite while unmitigated ones are considered as impolite .
当 说话人采取缓和型面子威胁行为时 就被认为是礼貌的。
I gather by what you have not said that he 's an unmitigated scoundrel .
听你的言外之意,他是个 不折不扣的恶棍。
But despite these achievements economic reunification is far from an unmitigated success .
然而,尽管取得了这些成就,德国的经济统一事业却远远 称 不上 绝对成功。
In these countries large capital inflows boosted growth by increasing investment and consumption but they are not an unmitigated blessing .
大量的国际资本流入刺激了投资和消费,推动了这些国家的经济增长,但是也给其 经济带来了前所未有的 冲击, 比如 通货膨胀, 经济过热, 实质汇率的升值 等等。
This statement should also comment on the significance of unmitigated risk and management 's acceptance of such risk .
声明应该对 未 防范风险的重大性及管理层对此风险的接受情况发表意见。
Daffy : That sir is an unmitigated fabrication ! It 's Wabbit season !
His appetite for kinky filmmaking unmitigated by any artistry ( John Simon )
他嗜好乖僻的 未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰西蒙)
This government 's policy on higher education is an unmitigated disaster .
政府关于高等教育的这项政策 彻底失败了。
The DDoS attacks remain unmitigated in spite of some proposed DDoS defense systems that offer excellent protection from specific attack scenarios .
已有的某些防御系统虽然能保护 用户免受某种 类型的DDoS攻击,但DDoS攻击仍然 没有 减轻。
In sustainable growth challenge part one it is not about unmitigated austerity but finding sustainable paths to prosperity .
在“可持续增长挑战,第一幕”,我们不 应一 味 地 厉行节约,还要找到通往繁荣的可持续道路。
The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom .
会议这个星期在一片 愁云惨雾中开始。
The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure .
这一结果 既非 完全的成功也未彻底的失败。
For US business schools the opening up of access to Cuba has been an unmitigated success in one regard according to professors such as Stephan Meier at Columbia Business School in New York .
据纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)的 斯蒂芬•梅尔(StephanMeier)等教授称,对于美国商学院而言,在某个意义上,打开通往古巴的道路是一种 不折不扣的成功。
In my opinion anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good .
在我看来,任何阻止骑车人繁衍后代的事都是 好事,应该加以欢迎。
Yet whether plans to double high-speed coverage by2020 are an unmitigated good thing for China which already has more high-speed rail than any other country is a different question .
中国高铁数量已经超过其他国家,但是,对中国 而言,到2020年把高铁覆盖范围翻一番的计划是否 算 不折不扣的好事还得另行 对待。
New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel .
新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教,可是一 味 说教,小说就要完蛋。
The $ 50bn figure is about 0.1 per cent of the rich countries ' 2015 gross domestic product . a very small sum compared with the costs of dealing with the impact of unmitigated climate change .
500亿美元,约为发达国家2015年国内生产总值(GDP)的0.1%相比于应对 未 缓和的气候变化影响的成本,这是个非常小的数字。
For the people living near it the new road has been an unmitigated disaster .
对住在附近的人们来讲,新公路成为 十足的灾难。
Last year 's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster
去年棉花作物 所 遭遇 的 是 彻头彻尾的灾难。
We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil .
我们太容易把自己教会中的分立看成是 十恶不赦的。
You always Qingwu flying unmitigated scattered clay pipes takes only some night rain burst of wind your I 's Fang-hua had been the wind and rain to go !
你一如既往的轻舞飞扬, 无怨无悔的零落泥渠,只消一番夜雨,一阵东风,你一世的芳华,就已被雨打风吹去!
Responsiveness of each paper to its own social group was not an unmitigated advantage for society .
各报对于它自己 所 属的社会集团的关心,对于 整个社会 而言却并不是 十分 有益 的 事情。