


  • The focus of this paper is dynamic knowledge exchange among uninfluenced combat decision system agents .

    文中重点是 无人 驾驶 坦克 自主作战决策系统中主体之间动态知识的交换。

  • Parallel Transmission Lines Fault Locating Method Uninfluenced by Potential Transformer and Current Transformer Frequency Characteristics

    TV和TA 变特性 影响 回线故障定位方法

  • Trypan blue staining essay showed cell vigor was uninfluenced basically .

    台盼兰实验显示细胞的活力基本 影响

  • Forest or woodland having a mature or overmature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity .

    森林或林地,具成熟或过熟的 或多或少没有 人类活动 影响的生态系统。

  • Have analyzing the tracking-differentiator ( TD ) I / O characteristic to get a improving TD which output uninfluenced by the input .

    在分析非线性跟踪&微分器(TD)输入输出特性的基础上,提出了跟踪 时间 输入信号 幅值改变的 TD

  • Conclusion : The pEBFP / FP6 coexpression plasmid can be transfected into NSC by liposome . After transfection of pEBFP / FP6 the growth proliferation and differentiation of NSC were uninfluenced .

    结论:脂质体转染能将pEBFP/FP6共表达质粒转染进NSC中, pEBFP/FP6基因对神经干细胞生长、分化、增殖无明确 影响

  • The results of XRD indicated that the structure of film is uninfluenced before and after etched by Ar ion .

    XRD分析表明, Ti-O薄膜经Ar~+刻蚀后,表面结构未 发生 改变

  • The new recipe raised the transparency of the film by lowering its haze while remained the other properties of the film uninfluenced .

    该新工艺配方降低了薄膜 度,提高了透明性,同时不 影响薄膜的其他性能。

  • Judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices .

    根据观察到的现象 个人的偏见和情感 因素 影响得到的判断。

  • Other original goods if re-sale of which is uninfluenced shall be returned according to agreement or devolved on new agent .

    其它原有 进货品种在不 影响再次销售情况下由我公司与客户视情况协议退货或移交新的合作商。

  • This early introduction is thought to shape their list-making ability but it makes it impossible to study that ability in its raw uninfluenced form .

    但是,这样一来,在这种能力原始的、 任何 影响的形式下进行研究就不可能了。

  • Uninfluenced innovation advance development of orthopaedics and traumatology of China


  • If sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or correct the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact .

    如果声明的部分内容或条款违法或者不正确,其他部分内容和 条款的正确性将 影响

  • A System Framework for Uninfluenced Combat Decision in Uninhabited Tank

    无人 驾驶坦克 自主作战决策系统框架

  • Two-terminal Fault Location Algorithm Uninfluenced by Parameters of Parallel Transmission Lines

    受线路参数 影响的双 回线双端故障定位方法

  • It is well-known that unlike other countries the traditional Chinese culture had developed on its own steam largely uninfluenced by other cultures .

    众所周知,传统中国文化,跟其他国家的 文明不一样。它自行发展,在很大的程度 并未受到其他文明的 影响