


  • Therefore an ideal like a belief is unreal false .

    因此,理想和信仰一样,都是 真实的,虚妄的。

  • Our agreement was a temporary one superficial and unreal .

    我们的一致是暂时的、表面的、 虚假的。

  • By the power of fancy we may create an unreal world .

    借助于想像力,我们可以创造一个 虚幻 的世界。

  • Unreal or imagined thing as seen in a dream or vision ; illusion .


  • The violence in those films was too unreal it was make-believe

    那些影片里的暴力场面太 真实了,都是假的。

  • Successful singles include Fading Like A Flower ( Every Time You Leave ) and Almost Unreal .

    成功的单曲包括 (每次你离开时)像花一样凋谢 难以置信

  • It was unreal . Like some crazy childhood nightmare

    这不是 的,就像儿时的某个荒唐的噩梦一样。

  • It is a real as well as unreal world .

    这是个真实而又 虚幻的世界。

  • When he mingled with them they turned into melville 's public vulgar property engrossed unreal .

    他一和他们混在一起,他们就变成了梅尔维尔的一伙,俗不可耐、 利欲熏心虚伪

  • I find it fascinating that four beautiful flesh and blood women could be intimidated by some unreal fantasy .

    我觉得很有意思,四个美丽的血肉之躯被一些 真实的幻想吓倒。

  • So you still do not experience this next flowery and clinking strange unreal storm together ?

    那么,你还不来一起感受下这场绚丽无比的 奇幻风暴嘛?

  • You are in the painting of Monet beautiful but unreal .

    你就好像在莫奈的画中,那么美丽,却 那么 真实

  • Oh I can 't explain it . It 's just unreal . Everybody is so happy .

    啊,我都没法形容。就是太 了,每个人都很高兴。

  • Perhaps the problems seem funny because there is humor in something that is real being made unreal .

    可能那些问题看上去很可笑,是因为当 真实的事物被 夸大真实的程度时,本身就产生了幽默。

  • Unreal characters in a story .

    故事中 虚构的角色。

  • I 've never seen anything so unreal in my life .

    在我的一生中还从未见过如此 虚幻 东西

  • Unreal world the true feelings may his soul rest in peace .


  • It was unreal no kidding it was the best film I 've ever seen !

    那是 妙极了的,确实是我看过的最好的电影。

  • It was so unreal that I broke into a fit of giggles .

    这实在很 离奇,我忍不住咯咯笑了起来。

  • It felt so unreal to be talking about our son like this .

    不敢 相信我们会这样谈论我们的儿子。

  • Of forgetfulness prepare them for an unreal life .

    长辈回忆往事时,隔了健忘这一层玫瑰色薄雾,用他们的话为年轻人准备了 真实的生活。

  • Almost all fictional detectives are unreal .

    几乎所有小说中的侦探都是 虚构的。

  • I agreed but everything suddenly seemed unreal .

    我答应玩,而这一切转眼之间似乎 变得 似是而非了。

  • Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world .

    孩子们没有足够的经验意识到电视节目所呈现的并不是一个 真实的世界。

  • Was the happiness you had felt unreal ?

    那你感受的快乐是 假的吗?

  • For the moment she had become unreal to him .

    一瞬间,在他眼里,她变得 真实了。

  • Ghosts and other unreal entities ; unreal propaganda serving as news .

    鬼和其他 虚幻的实体;作为新闻的虚假的宣传。

  • Things seem unreal and remote and he often cannot think clearly and rationally for some time .

    所发生的事情似乎 真实和遥远,一段时间内不能清晰理智地思考。

  • At this unreal height it feels as if neither I nor my nakedness really exist .

    在这样 虚幻的高度之上,我和我的裸体好像真的都不存在了。

  • My eyes burned and my voice sounded unreal .

    我的眼睛发热,声音也 我自己的了。