unlawful detention

[ʌnˈlɔfəl dɪˈtɛnʃən][ʌnˈlɔ:fəl dɪˈtenʃən]


  • Then the paper explores the time limiting question of objective behavior of unlawful detention crime .

    随后,从基本构成时间和 从重加重构成时间两个层次,探究了 非法 拘禁罪客观行为的时间限定问题。

  • On the Actor in the Unlawful Detention Sentence

    非法 拘禁罪的行为对象

  • However the concealment of kidnapping for ransom and unlawful detention multiplies the difficulties for investigation .

    然而,绑架勒索、 非法 拘禁犯罪活动的隐蔽性,使侦察工作增加了极大的困难。

  • To seize and hold under the authority of law . unlawful detention of female for immoral purposes

    逮捕依法抓捕并拘留 非法 扣留妇女作不道德行为

  • Unlawful detention of female for immoral purposes

    非法 扣留妇女作不道德行为

  • Charges against the three members of the Libyan government may include murder and unlawful detention use of cluster bombs and rape as a weapon Luis Moreno-Ocampo said on Wednesday .

    对利比亚政府三名成员的指控包括谋杀、 非法 拘禁、使用集束炸弹以及以强奸为武器,Moreno-Ocampo周三表示。

  • Firstly it has a research on objective doing of unlawful detention crime which defines the internal implication of unlawfully detention and other means .

    首先就 非法 拘禁罪之客观行为进行了本体研析,界定了“拘禁”与“其他方法”之内涵。

  • Analysis of the Action Constitution of Unlawful Detention Crime

    非法 拘禁罪行为构造研析

  • Where there is unlawful detention or an unlawful compulsory administrative measure to restrict the personal freedom of a citizen ;

    违法 拘留或者违法采取限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施的;

  • The crime of false imprisonment is a typical continuous one and the act of unlawful detention should last for a certain period .

    非法 拘禁罪是一种典型的继续犯,其行为应在一定时间内处于持续状态。

  • Mainly discussed the two aspects of dispute the two aspects including : ( 1 ) the object of unlawful detention sin . particularly those of the criminal object .

    主要探讨了两个方面的争议,这两个方面包括:(1) 非法 拘禁罪的客体方面,特别是其中的犯罪对象。

  • Unlawful detention or deprivation of citizens ' freedom of the person by other means and unlawful search of the person of citizens are prohibited ;

    禁止 非法 拘禁和以其他主法 非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民身体;

  • No Hong Kong resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest detention or imprisonment .

    香港居民不受任意或 非法逮捕、 拘留、监禁。