The smallest organizational unit for which individual financial statements are created according to the relevant legal requirements .
根据相关法规要求创建独立财务 报表的最小组织 单元。
Unit tests can verify specific application behavior by their use of various kinds of assert statements exceptions and attributes .
单元测试可以通过使用各种assert 语句、异常和属性来验证特定的应用程序行为。
Ensure that locklist and maxlocks are large enough or else reduce the unit of work by issuing commit statements more often .
确保locklist和maxlocks足够大,或者通过更为频繁地发出commit 语句减小工作 单元。
Examples include unit tests print statements and Python debugger ( pdb a command-line debugger ) .
这些工具包括 单元测试、打印 语句和Python调试器(命令行调试器pdb)。
[经] 成套报表