For other requirements for upward compatibility refer to the DB2 Information Center and the developerWorks article Evolving your XML schemas using DB2 pureXML . See Resources for the links .
要了解 向 上 兼容性的其他要求,请参阅DB2信息中心和developerWorks文章“EvolvingyourXMLschemasusingDB2pureXML”(参见参考资料中的链接)。
I 've already mentioned the problem about evolving an XML schema with upward compatibility where the existence of newly added elements and attributes cannot be checked .
我已经提到过具有 向 上 兼容性的XMLschema更新的问题,即不能检查新添加的元素和属性是否存在。
Evolve the XML schema ( upward compatibility )
更新XMLschema( 向 上 兼容性)
A concern with evolving XML schema with upward compatibility is that XML data cannot be validated with the existence of newly added elements and attributes .
使用 向 上 兼容性更新XMLschema时需要考虑的一个问题是:XML数据具有新添加的元素和属性时不能通过验证。
These features result in decreasing the design errors in circuit design and making upward compatibility easier .
这样能有效地减少电路设计中可能存在的设计错误,并且使得电路 向 上 兼容更容易。
However the API may evolve or be entirely replaced in future releases so upward compatibility may not be present .
但是,该API可能会发生演化,或者在将来的版本中被完全取代,所以可能不具有 向 上 兼容性。
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