The advertisement appeals to people 's vanity .
广告迎合了人们的 虚荣心。
The serialization of Vanity Fair which was a financial success quickly established Thackeray 's literary reputation .
《 名利 场 》的连载,带来了经济上的成功,这也迅速奠定了萨克雷的文学声望。
I say this without vanity .
我这样说并不是 虚夸。
You have seen with your own eyes how my mother was filled with craving and vanity .
你亲眼见到了我的母亲充满了欲望和 空虚。
And they appealed to my vanity .
而且他们也满足了我的 虚荣心。
But there were lurking reasons and doubts besides shyness and vanity withholding him .
但是除了羞怯和 虚荣以外,还有一些潜在的原因和疑虑牵制着他。
Still really have on rounding you for the fly you of the vanity is satisfy !
还真有一帮苍蝇围着你,你的 虚荣 心得到满足了吧!
There is no vanity in that .
这和 自负没有 关系。
Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity
使用类固醇的男人纯粹是受 虚荣心的驱使 。
Lester smiled at her vanity and love of show .
莱斯特笑她 爱慕 虚荣。
Such as vanity and pride .
例如 虚荣和傲慢 就是 属于 这一类 弱点。
Her refusal to cooperate with him was a wound to his vanity .
她拒绝与他合作是对他 虚荣心的伤害。
It had corrective effect on my vanity .
它对我的 虚荣心 起了缓解效果。
If I can play to his ego and vanity do all Magus have this flaw ?
如果我可以播放对他的自我和 虚荣做所有魔术家有这个缺点?
But vanity not love has been my folly .
然而我的愚蠢,并不是在恋爱方面,而是有 虚荣心方面。
With my usual vanity I thought he might be falling in love with me .
由于我一贯的 虚荣心 作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。
This success flattered my vanity .
这一成功,满足了我的 虚荣心。
His admiration fed her vanity .
他的赞美助长了她的 虚荣。
I would like with you to leave the vanity of the world .
我愿意和你离开这个 浮华的世界。
My poet 's vanity dies in shame before thy sight .
我的诗人的 虚荣心,在你的容光中羞死。
But humanity 's so-called civil societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption .
但人类所谓的文明社会很快就变成了 虚荣和腐败的牺牲品。
Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine .
弗兰克·德福特是杂志《 名利 场 》的特约编辑。
He was too puffed up with his own importance too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him .
他过于骄矜自大,被 虚荣心冲昏了头脑,根本不能接受他们对他的意见。
Vanity and virtue do not go together .
I felt in her a powerful magnet to my interest and vanity .
我觉得她身上有种极有威力的磁石,能够 吸住我的兴趣和 虚荣。
Her sarcasm wounded his vanity .
她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的 虚荣心。
I have got a lot of time for people who are prepared to put the welfare of their party above their own vanity .
我很钦佩那些不计 个人 名利,以政党的利益为 重的人。
The humble person fights against vanity and self-importance .
谦逊的人会与 虚荣和自大做斗争。
His vanity increased with years .
他的 虚荣心随着年龄增长 而 变 盛。
The woman is always feeling after vanity .
这女人一贯追求 虚荣。