valley point

[ˈvæli pɔɪnt][ˈvæli pɔint]


  • Based on the turbidity of original water the recycle condition and influencing rules of the wastes produced from water treatment plant in Jiu Long river valley are studied from the point of view of improving coagulating process .

    根据原水浊度的变化,从改善混凝条件优化净水工艺 角度,对九龙江 流域水厂生产废水的回用条件和作用规律进行了研究。

  • The time wasted by eating is in Silicon Valley parlance a pain point even for the highest echelon of techie .


  • In the climbing period after valley point the PID algorithm was applied for control .


  • If Angle sun valley rate line has swelling nodules for less Yang blood winding block appropriate diarrhea ; Head d acupuncture point week has a swelling nodules Yang Ming blood for collaterals block appropriate diarrhea .

    若角孙、率 线有肿胀、结节,为少阳血络阻滞,宜泻;头维 周有肿胀、结节,为阳明血络阻滞,宜泻。

  • The paper gained some conclusions by analyzing . The way that deformation mechanism of valley slope is analyzed from the point of terra stress is feasible .

    经分析得出如下主要结论:从地应力的 角度分析 河谷边坡变形的成因机制是切实可行的方法;

  • Thus it is imperative that the wastewater from villages and towns in Dianchi Lake valley should be treated because it is a quite big proportion in non point source pollution .

    滇池 流域村镇生活污水在面 污染中占相当大比重,对该污水进行处理已成为当务之急。

  • The action has moved from modern semisuburban Texas to a rocky and desolate valley in northwest China at some unspecified point in the feudal past .

    故事背景也由原作中现代德克萨斯的半郊区转移到中国西北一条布满岩石且与世隔绝的 峡谷之中, 时间并未特别 指明,大约是在封建社会的某个时期。

  • Nonpregnant cows after AI P 4 concentrations were decreased ( P < 0.05 ) except of valley point concentrations which were kept the same level .

    未孕牛,配种后除 处孕酮含量较一致外,其余各处平均值都下降(P<0.05)。

  • In the figure the system will travel along the valley ( R ) over the saddle point ( Q ) and down into the second valley ( P ) . The reaction path is represented by R Q-P line .

    反应体系的代表点从 山谷R沿反应途径爬过鞍 Q后落入另一山谷P中(R-Q-P线就代表反应途径)。

  • Methods The MEIA was used to detect Tacrolimus valley point concentrations in 6 heart transplanted 2 liver transplanted 2 small intestine transplanted and 7 kidney transplanted recipients at different postoperative periods .

    方法以MEIA法检测6例心脏移植、2例肝脏移植、2例小肠移植和7例肾脏移植患者不同时期全血中普乐可复的 浓度,并结合临床情况调整普乐可复的用药剂量。

  • Regarding large river valley as the focal point of economic development this is a more general rule of development of countries all over the world .

    将大河 流域作为经济开发的 重点,这是世界各国比较普遍的发展规律。

  • Reflection on the industrial culture in Silicon Valley at the turning point of new century

    硅谷企业文化:世纪 转折中的反思

  • Based on these risk management processes this thesis is designated to conduct a control analysis of Le Chang Valley Hydro-junction project selecting appropriate methods of identification in order to identify risk factors from the point of the causes of project risk .

    本文根据这一风险管理步骤对乐昌 水利枢纽工程进行控制分析。从工程风险源的 角度进行识别,选用适宜的方法辨识出的工程风险因素,并列入风险清单。

  • With the construction of the Three Gorges Dam and reservoir area of the Three Gorges Valley migration as a starting point obtained extensive development still be just unfolding .

    以三峡大坝建设和库区移民迁移为 起点,三峡 流域获得了大规模开发,至今方兴未艾。