Liability for loss delay or damage to baggage is limited unless a higher value is declared in advance and additional charges are paid .
对于行李丢失、延误或损坏的责任是有限的,除非事先 申报更高的 价值并支付附加费用。
The cargo being sacrificed which value have been wrongfully declared on shipment at a value which is different from their real value shall be contributed for at the lower value but shall contribute upon the higher value .
货物之价值,于托运时为不实之 声明,使 声明价值与实在价值不同者,其共同海损牺牲之补偿 额以金额低者为准,分担价值以金额高者为准。
The application provides a text field in which the user can enter a Java expression that returns a double value based on an implicitly declared double x input parameter .
应用程序提供了一个文本字段,用户可以向其中输入一个Java表达式,后者根据隐式 声明的doublex输入参数返回一个double 值。
A variable is initialized with an empty text string as its default value when declared .
一个变量会使用一个空白的字符串作为 声明时的默认 值,来得到初始化。
If the application uses a DAO ( data access object ) with dynamic SQLs and stored procedures the value object that is passed to DAO can be declared as a cloud resource using annotations .
如果应用程序使用DAO(数据访问对象)来产生动态SQL和存储过程,那么传递给DAO的 值对象就可以使用注释 声明为一种云资源。
The animate property works by changing a named property from one value to another over a declared amount of time .
animate特性的工作方式是在 声明的一段时间内将指定的特性从一个 值变化为另一个 值。
Child views can specify an integer weight value and then any remaining space in the view group is assigned to children in the proportion of their declared weight .
孩子视图可以指定一个整型权重 值,然后在这个视图组里的剩余空间将以孩子 权重的百分比来分配。
Note that the jndiName property value matches the pattern java : comp / env / concatenated with the res-ref-name declared in the resource-ref.
请注意,jndiName属性 值与使用资源引用中 声明的资源引用名称连接的模式java:comp/env/匹配。
The value declared is for customs purposes only .
所 标 价值仅供海关事宜。
A property type is declared by an implementation but its value is declared by a component .
属性类型由实现声明,但其 值由组件 声明。
The default value is on if the option is declared without a value .
如果 声明该选项时未提供值,则默认 值为“on”。
Anything beyond a preset monetary value must be declared or turned in to the company .
任何超出预先规定 价值标准的物品都必须向公司 声明或上交。
Type inference is not allowed in cases where the variable is not assigned a value on the same line it is declared .
若是变量的 声明 和 赋值不在同一行书写的话,编译器将不允许我们使用类型推断。
Gets or sets a value indicating whether permission to execute code is declared .
获取或设置一个 值,该 值指示是否 声明了执行代码的权限。
The value of any attributable fringe benefits is required to be declared by all shareholder employees if they or their associates hold voting interests of50 % or more in a company .
由于附带的任何利益的 价值必须得到所有股东的员工 表态,如果他们持有50%或以上的表决权的权益公司。
A local variable is one that is only available for use ( that is you can assign to it or fetch its value ) within the scope in which it is declared and within nested scopes as well .
本地变量是仅可以在 声明它的范围中和嵌套范围中使用的变量(也就是说,您可以向其赋值,也可以从中 取值)。
As a result Kodak lost 87 % of its value in just over a decade and declared bankruptcy last year .
结果,仅仅十年时间,柯达的 价值便损失了87%,并于去年 宣布破产。
Q : What is the default value of an object reference declared as an instance variable ?
一个对象的缺省 值是什么 ,当以一个实例变量作为参考时?