But if registered it cannot apply to registered usucaption .
但已登记的, 笔者认为不能适用登记 取得 时效。
In English and American countries of families of civil law there is still the system similar to the usucaption regime .
英美法系国家,亦有与 取得 时效 制度相类似的制度,该制度 叫 不利 占有。
Study on Several Problems of the Usucaption System
取得 时效制度若干问题研究
Notwithstanding the existence of such legal systems as innocent acquirement of chattels pre empt and acquisition by occupancy of the lost property or pickup the rules about usucaption of chattels had its applicability in the law of property .
从对相关制度的 比较分析中可见:在存在动产善意取得、先占,以及对遗失物、拾得物的占有 取得等 诸 项制度的情况下,动产 时效 取得 仍有其适用的逻辑空间;
It is the the economic source of usucaption that uncultivated lands is existing in our country .
当前我国农村存在的抛荒土地 现象 是 取得 时效 赖以 产生的经济根源。
So the usucaption has the function of protect the economy order .
所以, 取得 时效 制度具有 稳定经济秩序的功能。
Usucaption regime is an ancient law system .
取得 时效制度是一项古老的法律制度。
The Concept and Component Part of Usucaption
取得 时效的概念和构成要件
The usucaption together with the bona fide acquiring extinctive prescription registration of real property and possession forms the system of the protection of right on property .
民法 中 的 取得 时效 制度与善意取得、消灭时效制度、不动产登记制度及占有制度等一起,共同构成了一国财产权保护体系。