value judgement

[ˈvælju ˈdʒʌdʒmənt][ˈvælju ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]


  • Value judgement ( estimate of moral artistic etc worth based on personal assessment rather than objective fact )

    价值 判断(对道德、艺术等价值所作的主观评价)

  • The value orientation of education ethic seeks what it should be and it is a kind of value judgement towards education nature and the present educational situation of our country .

    教育伦理的价值取向所追求的是一种应然状态,是对教育本质和我国当前教育现状 做出的一种 价值 判断

  • In law where should congeal the basic moral value judgement and the law should also manifest the certain human ethics spirit .

    伦理道德与法律之间存在着相互渗透的关系,在法律中凝结着基本的道德 价值 判断,法律应该体现一定的人伦精神。

  • My article want study the serious scientific value judgement before regional exploitation and transformation design .

    本文旨在研究城市区域内开发或改造设计之前所应做科学、严谨地 价值 判断,并 据此进行合理的设计。

  • Value Judgement and Achievement Approaches of Boosting the Alliance Strategy for Higher Vocational and Technical Teachers ' Colleges in China

    推进我国职技高师院校联盟化战略的 价值 判断与实现路径

  • The evaluation in network learning is a problem of Multi-index comprehensive evaluation which need value judgement to statistical index of different sides in describing students ' learning process and effect and synthesize evaluation value to get students ' entireness evaluation of network learning .

    网络学习评价属于多指标综合评价问题,需要对描述学生的学习过程和效果的不同方面的统计指标进行 价值 判断并综合这些评价值才能得出对学生的网络学习的一个整体评价。

  • The definitiveness and stability of laws lie in the relative stability of the value judgement criteria in form and in essence .

    法律的确定性和稳定性在于该种 价值 判断标准在形式上和实质上的相对稳定性。

  • The directives and the value judgement are the two forms of the Language of Morals .

    道德语言的表现形式有两种,祈使句和 价值

  • The moral evaluation is a special evaluation activity that people carries on the value judgement to the certain moral phenomenon .

    道德评价是人们对一定道德现象进行 价值 判断的特殊评价活动。

  • From the theme of teaching reading in the development of individual students rich students emotional impact value judgement enhance the quality of reading to explore is a way to try .

    而从主题阅读教学对于发展学生个性、丰富学生情感、影响 价值 判断、提升阅读品质方面进行探究无疑是一个可以尝试的途径。

  • Have active attitude strong will and true value judgement ;

    具有积极的态度,形成坚强的意志和正确的 价值

  • About the Value-orientation and Value Judgement of Ethics in the Field of Technology

    关于技术领域中伦理问题的价值取向与 价值 判断

  • On Rationality of Value Judgement

    关于 价值 判断合理性问题的探讨

  • Value Judgement on the Mode of Deducting the Hold of State-owned Share and the System Innovation

    国有股减持模式的 价值 评判与制度创新

  • Mode of thinking is the internal basis of value judgement .

    思维方式是 价值 判断的内在基础。

  • This article considers that fault deduction principle is fault responsibility principle in essence which is in accordance with ordinary fault responsibility principle in terms of standard of value judgement and elements of responsibility constitutes .

    本文认为过错推定原则从本质上说,就是过错责任原则,其 价值 判断标准和责任构成要件也都是与一般的过错责任原则是一致的。

  • Thereby transport problems in historic areas should be solved with basic value judgement cored by regulating vehicle demand and protecting historic environment .

    历史街区的交通问题必须在基本 价值 判断下来解决,如何调控机动化需求、如何保障风貌保护成为规划的核心问题。

  • That isn 't a value judgement it 's a fact .

    那不是一个 价值 判断,而是一个事实。

  • Measurement of physical education belongs to data judgement and evaluation of physical education belongs to value judgement .

    体育测量属于事实判断,体育评价属于 价值 判断,测量为评价提供量化资料。

  • In economic activities the information disclosure not only can influence the investor 's value judgement and decision but also can influence interest-related persons such as the creditors .

    在经济活动中,信息披露不仅影响着投资者的 价值 判断和决策,同时也会影响到债权人等利害关系者。

  • Observing the Academic Argument in a Harmonious Society from the Phenomenon from Supporting Lang Xianping to Criticizing Lang Xianping & Brief Review on the Book Two Kinds of Value Judgement and the Choice of Reform Objective ;

    从挺郎与批郎看和谐社会的学术争鸣&简评《两种 价值 判断与改革目标选择》

  • Different sex and age groups have remarkable differences on attitude of the travel cost and value judgement of the tourism consumption ;

    不同性别和年龄的被试在旅游花费态度和对旅游消费的 价值 判断上有显著差异;

  • In the two-value processing of wood anatomical structure grey image the method of threshold value judgement and selection and image quality improvement was pointed out .

    对木材解剖构造灰度图象的二值化处理过程中,最佳 阈值 判定与选择,图象质量的改善等提出了具体的实现方法。

  • So legitimacy is a kind of value judgement and not one or two people 's value judgement but society 's general value judgement .

    因此合法性是一种 价值 判断,并且不是个别人的价值判断,而是社会普遍的价值判断。

  • The result of this study shows : 1 . The contemporary person 's attitude toward travel can be divided into four respects : the attitude toward development of tourist industry participation attitude of travel the attitude of the travel cost and value judgement to the tourism consumption .

    研究结果表明:1.当代人对旅游的态度可分为对旅游业发展的态度,参与旅游的态度,旅游花费的态度和对旅游消费的 价值 判断四个方面。

  • And brand consciousness brand value judgement brand choice are important attributes of brand culture .

    品牌意识、品牌的 价值 判断、品牌的选择是品牌文化的重要因素;

  • It is difficult to answer that question without making a value judgement .

    回答那个问题而又不带 主观 判断,那是很困难的。

  • Different measuring methods have different value judgement .

    不同的计量方法有其不同的 价值 评判

  • The aesthetic view and value judgement of Chinese painting were affected directly by the philosophy of Lao-tzu and chuang-tzu which resulted in the formation of new art form such as mutualism of blankness and fullness and beauty from blankness .

    老庄哲学直接影响了中国画的审美追求和 价值 取向,并由此形成虚实相生、空以致美等艺术形式。