[ˈvi ˈe 'ti,væt][ˌvi: eɪ ˈti:]

abbr.value added tax<英>增值税

  • The author explores the VAT deduction system in the underdeveloped market economy in China .

    第五章是对我国不发达市场经济条件下的 增值 抵扣制度的研究。

  • VAT is also payable by you at the applicable rate as shown on your invoice .


  • He further confirmed that the VAT rebates were applied only to exported products and not to domestically consumed products .

    他进一步确认, 增值 退税只适用于出口产品,而不适用于国产消费的产品。

  • All prices include vat The book contains all the information you need .

    所有标价均含 增值 这本书含有你所需的所有信息。

  • The smugglers allegedly sold the gold under the counter cheating the VAT man out of £ 5 million .

    据说走私者暗地销售黄金,偷逃 增值 达500万英镑。

  • You should show your VAT number if you are VAT registered .

    你应该显示您的号码,如果你是增值税 增值税登记。

  • The red grapes then entered the vat for starting the fermentation .

    葡萄红了之后, 放入 大桶开始发酵。

  • Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers .

    不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的 增值 据为己有

  • VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation .

    增值 和消费税由国家税收主管部门征收和管理,营业税由地方税收主管机关征收和管理。

  • Fundamental reform of the VAT system should also be considered it says .

    报告称,还应考虑对 增值 体系进行彻底改革。

  • A five-course meal including coffee service and VAT is £ 30 .

    包括咖啡、服务费及 增值 在内,一顿五道菜正餐的价格为30英镑。

  • Turnover tax refers to a tax on the gross revenue of a business while a VAT refers to a tax levied on the difference between a commodity 's price before taxes and its cost of production .

    营业税指的是对一个企业营业总收入所征收的税,而 增值 指的是对商品税前价格和生产成本之间的差额征收的税。

  • You will in addition pay to the Bank any losses costs expenses or legal fees ( including VAT thereon ) .

    另外,你还须向银行支付所有损失、成本、花销和法律费用(包括与此相关的 增值 )。

  • It is available at £ 108 including VAT and delivery .

    其价格为108英镑,包括 增值 和送货费在内。

  • The VAT taxation base will be broadened from manufacturing to agriculture and services too .

    增值 计税基准将会从制造业扩大到农业和服务业。

  • Taxes on fuel including VAT account for63 % of its cost .

    燃料税,包括 增值 ,占燃料价格的63%。

  • The relationship of EMGFT with VAT and muscle fatigue index on12 subjects was studied .

    对12名被试的肌电疲劳阈(EMGFT)与通气无氧阈( VAT)和肌肉疲劳指数之间的关系进行研究。

  • VAT indicated on the tax payment receipts obtained from the customs office .

    从海关取得的完税凭证上注明的 增值 税额

  • Further to VAT and customs transfer pricing policy should be considered in the overall tax planning .

    除了 增值 及海关的影响外,税务筹划中还应考虑转让定价政策的影响。

  • The VAT system offers advantages such as rebates on exports .

    增值 有其优点,如对出口商品实行回扣。

  • We will fully implement VAT reform and the reform of taxes and fees for refined petroleum products .

    全面实施 增值 转型改革和成品油税费改革。

  • But it warned the VAT increase in the UK and higher freight costs and cotton prices would squeeze margins .

    但它警告说,在英国 增值 增加和较高的运费和棉花价格将挤压利润空间。

  • Non-discriminatory application of the VAT and other internal taxes was deemed essential .

    增值 和其他国内税的非歧视实施被认为是必需的。

  • Comply with Tax regulations on declaration and payment including business tax VAT etc. ;

    遵守税务申报和支付方面的税法规章,其中包括营业税, 增值 等方面的规章;

  • Both the VAT and the Consumption Tax were applicable to entities importing goods .

    增值 和消费税均适用于进口货物的实体。

  • Turn the vat upside down .


  • P1 . I don 't know that I am not a brain in a vat .

    我不知道我不是 中之脑。

  • The framework implements the same concepts of asynchronous component vat and promise as the E programming language .

    框架实现了与E编程语言相同的异步组件概念、 vat、和promise。

  • The dyeing method and condition for Vat Pink R Powder on the cellulose fibre were studied .

    本文对 还原桃红R 普通粉在纤维素纤维上的 还原染色条件、染色方法进行了研究。

  • There are two types of VAT taxpayers i.e.General VAT Taxpayer and Small-scale VAT Taxpayer .

    有两中 增值 纳税人,一般纳税人和小规模纳税人。