


  • The ancient primate habit of vegetarianism .

    灵长类动物源远流长的 素食 主义习性。

  • Remember many Christian groups from the time of Christ have practiced vegetarianism .

    我们不要忘记,从基督时代 开始就有许多的基督教团一直坚持实践着 素食 主义

  • The history of vegetarianism in America is a different story .

    然而在美国, 素食 主义 成长的历史与 英国截然不同。

  • An unlikely story ; an unlikely candidate for reelection ; a butcher is unlikely to preach vegetarianism .

    一个似乎不真实的故事;一个不太可能的改选的候选人;屠夫是不太可能鼓吹 素食 主义的。

  • Vegetarianism is on the increase in Britain .

    素食 主义在英国越来越 盛行

  • After the meal I had them answer a questionnaire about the meal and about their general knowledge of vegetarianism .

    饭后我让他们填了关于这顿素餐和对 素食 主义的大致认识的调查问卷。

  • Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image

    素食 主义 已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。

  • Enough of vegetarianism ; let 's have a meaty meal .

    素食 已经吃够了;让我们吃荤菜吧。

  • Evidence of Ethical Vegetarianism in Mainstream Christianity

    主流基督教中伦理 素食 主义的证据

  • They stress vegetarianism as one of the cornerstones of a successful meditative and spiritual life .

    他们强调, 素食是一个成功的静心和灵性生活的基石之一。

  • According to the days website'it was created to promote the joy compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism .

    素食日网站称, 素食日的设立是用来晋升 素食 主义的爱好,豪情和增强生命的年夜概性的。

  • A PETA poster promoting vegetarianism was banned in Britain last year for wrongly implying that eating meat caused .

    去年,善待动物协会的一张宣传 素食 主义的海报在英国被禁,因为该海报做出了错误的暗示:吃肉会患上猪流感。

  • To help promote vegetarianism in third world countries .

    以帮助在第三世界国家推进 素食 主义

  • Have a cosmic awareness an interest in ecology environment vegetarianism or are very socially conscious .

    对生态学,环境, 素食 主义,有 宙性的警觉,或社会意识非常 锐利

  • More and more people are believing in vegetarianism and diet for health .

    而今越来越多的人相信 素食和节食有利于身体健康。

  • Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse .

    素食 主义是她不赞成的一种主张。

  • She is an exponent of vegetarianism .

    她是一个 素食 主义的倡导者。

  • That has deeply impact to traditional vegetarianism in China over the past 1000 years .

    这深刻影响了一千多年间中国 素食传统。

  • Vegetarianism has gradually gained acceptance among the middle classes .

    素食 主义在中产阶级中逐渐被人接受。

  • I had been struggling for a long time with vegetarianism .

    我是经过好长一段时间的挣扎才成为 真正 素食 的。

  • Religious vegetarianism is commonplace in the East but is not considered mainstream in most Western faith communities .

    宗教 素食 主义在东方司空见惯,但并非西方多数宗教团体的主流。