


  • Financial Efficiency - Financial Development-Economic Growth this is the logic venation of this paper .

    金融效率金融发展经济增长是本文的逻辑 脉络

  • Ceremony is one of the outer expressions of historical and cultural venation in a community .

    仪式,是一个社区 传统文化、历史 脉络的外在表现形式和 强化传承 手段之一。

  • In view of that this paper explores the origin and venation of the idea of intellect clarifies its meaning and characteristics and expounds with textual analyses its importance and profound influence to the development of modern Chinese poetry .

    有鉴于此,文章系统地 清理知性理论的渊源和 传播 脉络,澄清了知性的涵义和特点,并结合创作实际,阐明了知性对于诗歌发展的重要性,它的深远影响,以及它可能的 偏颇

  • The generation on organization fundamental venation and development orientation are reviewed entirely and prospected from classic theory documents .

    本文 试图从经典理论文献的 高度,对组织理论的产生、基本 脉络、发展趋势作总体回顾和展望。

  • In this thesis do a research of finding out the development venation of important events and displaying event information . And propose a timeline-based events organization and summarization technology .

    本文就重大事件中的事件发展 脉络挖掘和事件信息快速展示展开研究,提出了基于时间线的事件组织与摘要技术。

  • The thread to place beads becomes the venation of the gaudery .

    穿珠的细线就成为这一袭华衣的 脉络

  • Ancient Chinese architecture simultaneously starts and develops as Chinese culture with a long history and stable system . It clearly reflects the venation of Chinese traditional culture .

    中国古代建筑和古老的中华文化差不多是同步发端和发展的,有着悠久的历史和稳定的系统,通过中国的古代建筑,可以清晰的反映出中国传统文化 思想 脉络

  • Secondly use diagram methods to grasp the knowledge venation holistically ( abstract );

    二,通过图表法从整体上把握知识 脉络(即抽象);

  • In the second chapter I explored the rise of ecological theory and made a comprehensive analysis for definition meaning purpose significance of the ecological civilization by comb through the venation of the theory .

    第二章探索了生态文明理论的兴起,通过梳理该理论的 脉络,进而对生态文明的定义、内涵、宗旨、意义等方面作了全方位的分析。

  • Making this clear we can not only define the research domain and inner research venation but also provide a clear foundation for the future research progress .

    明确了这些,不仅可以把握 企业 演化 的研究范围和内在研究 脉络,而且可为 企业 演化 的进一步发展提供较为清晰的研究平台。

  • The final part of this research venation of the refined and research results in this paper .

    最后一部分对本文的研究 脉络进行了 梳理并提炼了本文的主要研究结论。

  • This hypothesis also can be used to explain complicated and unique venation of dragonfly .

    这个假说也可以来解释蜻蜓复杂 脉相的形成原因。

  • Venation wave spectrum analysis finds out shape-structure change of mid-frequency signal fluctuation .


  • It effectively improved the patterns of urban green open space protected the ecological environment and continued the regional culture of landscape development venation maintained and enhanced the vigor of the urban central and buffer area .

    它有效地完善了城市绿地开放空间格局,保护了生态环境,保护与延续了地区文化景观的发展 脉络,保持和增加了城市中心城区和边缘地区的社区活力。

  • Seen from historical venation the cultural construction of masculinity is various .

    从历史的 脉络看,男性气质的文化建构是多样的。

  • The effect that the vocation notion for the capitalist spirit & The venation analyze of Max · Weber 's The Confucianist and the Taoism

    天职观对资本主义的影响&马克斯·韦伯《新教伦理与资本主义精神》 脉络探析

  • The first part teases the concept and venation of the outlaw hero and revolutionary hero in the Chinese modern and contemporary literature context .

    第一章对草莽英雄和革命英雄在中国现当代文学语境中的概念和 脉络 了大概梳理。

  • Aesthetic theory is presented as a pathfinder and formed its own venation in development with the beginning of aesthetic discussion in1950s in China .

    从1950年代美学大讨论拉开序幕至今,新中国美学理论以探索者的姿态坎坷走来,并且形成了自身的发展 脉络

  • Through analyzing western distribution theory 's particularity we find the venation of distribution according technology 's coming into being and development .

    通过对西方分配理论的梳理,我们清楚了按技术分配在西方国家产生、发展的 脉络

  • The third part explains the importance of vocal singing style through the developing venation of singing style .

    第三部分,透过声乐演唱风格发展的 脉络,说明声乐演唱风格的重要性;

  • The detail from corn ( Zea mays ) leaf shows parallel venation of the major veins .

    玉米叶的细节表明主脉的平行 排列 模式

  • This paper takes function study defects study and application study as clew and makes a systematic analysis of MCIs'study venation so as to offer some helpful reference to the application of MCIs in our country 's monetary policy operation .

    以功能研究、缺陷研究、应用研究为线索,对 MCIs的研究 脉络作了系统分析,并试图通过分析,对MCIs在我国货币政策操作中的运用提供一些借鉴。

  • Research on Leaf Venation Growth in Different Joint Positions of Solanaceous Vegetables

    茄果类蔬菜作物不同节位叶片 脉序发育的研究

  • Comparative Observation on Venation about Four Genera in Cruciferae

    十字花科四属植物 叶片 脉序的比较研究

  • Leaf venation generation method based on Voronoi diagram

    基于Voronoi图的植物 叶脉 建模方法

  • This part will detailedly introduce this theory in five parts according to the logical venation of this theory 's development .

    该部分将根据亨廷顿 文明 冲突 史观发展的逻辑 脉络,从五个方面对该理论进行详细的阐述。

  • Vein One of the vascular bundles in a leaf . The pattern in which the veins are arranged in a leaf is called the VENATION .

    叶脉:叶片中的维管束结构。在叶片中,所有叶脉排列的方式称 脉络

  • The present work is not only based general on external morphology but also on the characteristics of the hind wing venation and male and female genitalia .

    本文将传统的外部形态特征 分类 后翅 翅脉特征和雌雄性生殖器特征结合 起来,对我国绿天 昆虫进行了 初步 分类研究。

  • A legible venation is given to probe into misunderstanding .

    抑制 -突显为 解释误解提供了清晰的 脉络