vertical feed

[ˈvɚtɪkəl fid][ˈvə:tikəl fi:d]


  • The Hydraulic System Research for Numerical Control Vertical Horning Machine with Two Spindles and Dual Feed

    缸体 立式双轴双 进给数控珩磨机液压系统的研制

  • Taking the installation of lathe bed and vertical shaft of computer numerical control machine as a example a new glue feed technology was introduced which is a promising method compared to traditional technique .

    立式数控加工中心的床身与 立柱的安装为例,介绍了 胶工艺新技术;与传统工艺比较,灌胶工艺技术是值得推广的先进方法。

  • Computer use of vertical feed system for open-loop control .

    利用微机对 进给系统进行开环控制。

  • The vertical cutting feed mechanism and transverse pulley positioned at the bottom of the main frame finish the vertical and transverse motions of the main frame .

    机架底部的 纵向机构和横向滑轮完成机架的纵向和横向移动。

  • In the past only two cases were considered-cross feed and vertical feed but the case with both existing at the same time wasn ′ t mentioned .

    以往求解时,均只考虑了进给运动的两种特例&单纯的横向进给和 纵向 进给,对于二者同时存在的情况却没提及。

  • Stepless speed change through frequency conversion vertical direction ; rapid movement drove by motor in left-right direction ; left-right feed through mechanism handwheel ; equipped with automatic changing tool device .

    倾卸装置、钩杆机械装置上断开或启动的装置上 运动采用变频无级调速;左右有机动快速动作;左右 进给为机械 手轮;带自动装卸刀装置。

  • Study and Design a Vertical Spiral Feed Device for Rotating Cone Pyrolysis Reactor

    转锥式热裂解反应器的 立式螺旋 喂料器研究设计

  • The design and its working principle of vertical feed mechanism in transplanter for rice seedling growing in cupulate compartment tray which made of straw were described in the paper .

    介绍了一种新型纸盘水稻钵秧栽植机的 纵向自动 进给机构的方案设计和工作原理。

  • Compared with horizontal drying equipment the large vertical dryer has high drying efficiency and efficient energy utilization covers less area easier to continuous processing . It has wide application prospects in the drying of rice wheat feed and so on .

    与卧式干燥设备相比,大型 立式干燥器具有干燥效率高、占地面积小、能源利用率高、便于连续化加工等优点,在水稻、小麦、 饲料等的烘干中具有广阔的应用前景。

  • It is indicated that the enhanced condensation heat transfer technology on vertical tubes when applied to vertical utility heaters can efficiently raise the feed water temperature and save energy .

    最后指出,立管冷凝强化传热技术在电站的 立式加热器中应用,可以较大幅度地提高 给水温度,实现节能增效。

  • This paper analyses the advantages of down feed two pipe horizontal cascade system in all aspects and influencing degree by natural circulation pressure . The calculation results illustrate that there is almost no vertical heat maladjustment in down feed two pipe horizontal cascade system .

    分析了下供下回水平双管系统的优点以及自然循环作用压力的影响程度,计算数据证明下 下回水平双管系统的 垂直热力失调基本不存在;

  • Three points of screws No. 1 in the vertical driving cam and the feed driving cam and screw No. 2 in the main shaft thrust collar are nearly aligned .

    上下 布凸轮、 水平送布凸轮的第1螺丝、上轴 滑环的第2螺丝的3点基本对齐。

  • It mainly researches and analyses the vertical hydraulic slide feed control system .

    主要研究分析了液压滑台的 纵向 进给控制系统的设计研究。

  • The vertical feed fly saw equiped on most straight welding pipe sets can not be suitable to cut square shaped pipes because of serious deformation on the cut face .

    当前一些直缝焊管机组所配备的 垂直 锯型飞锯因易造成切断端面严重变形,不适合锯切正位生产的方矩型类管材。

  • According to the shortage of C5225 vertical lathe numerical control alteration on feed system of C5225 Vertical Lathe was done in the base of keeping the mechanism structure and handling function .

    针对普通 立式车床的不足之处,在保留右刀架机械结构和操作功能不变的基础上对C5225立式车床的左刀架 进给系统进行了数控化改造。

  • A design of vertical feed mechanism in transplanter and dividing seedling for rice seedling growing in cupulate compartment tray which made of straw

    钵育水稻 栽秧机分秧 进给机构的设计

  • It also designs a compact unequal power divider and solves the problem of vertical transition of multi-layer network that can greatly reduce the volume of feed network .

    在馈电网络中设计了一种结构非常紧凑的三端口不等功率分配器,解决了多层板之间 垂直过渡的问题,为缩小 馈电网络的结构尺寸提供了基础。

  • We analysis the feeding niche breadth of 7 species the variables include feeding methods height of feeding parts level and vertical position of coronal layer base matter that birds feed on the species of trees that birds feed on .

    对7种乌类取食生态位的宽度进行了统计计算,包括取食方式、取食高度、冠层水平位置、冠层 垂直位置、 取食基质和 取食树种。

  • Designed and calculated longitudinal feed system transverse feed system and vertical feed system and checked computations rigid double column framework rigid .

    进行了纵向、横向和 垂直 方向 进给系统的设计计算,对龙门式结构框架进行了刚度的验算;

  • Pfeiffer AG in their # 4 raw material grinding system experience shows that stable running of the MPS vertical mill is effected mainly by factors like feeding feed size grindability and ventilation in mill .

    生产经验表明:影响MPs 磨稳定运行的主要因素有喂料量、 物料粒度、易磨性和磨内通风情况等。

  • According to process parameters given by level 2 model TCS system changes gap opening of vertical edging rolls to control strip width through feed forward and feedback technology .

    通过 前馈和反馈技术,TCS按照二级模型给出的工艺参数实时变换 辊开口度来控制带钢的宽度。

  • Designed and manufactured vertical TMR feed mixer experimental prototype the prototype of the key components - conical auger using spiral blade two additional leaves 0.25 so the composition of materials .

    本次研究中,主要研究结果为:1、设计制作了 立式TMR 饲料搅拌机试验样机,该样机中关键部件&锥形搅龙采用2片螺旋叶片加0.25片扫料叶片组成。