voting result

[ˈvotɪŋ rɪˈzʌlt][ˈvəʊtɪŋ riˈzʌlt]

[法] 表决结果

  • We explore the user interest and related videos information using majority voting method combine semantic result from SVM classification to improve classification result .

    我们提取用户兴趣和相关视频信息,采用多数 投票的方法结合支持向量机的分类 结果来提高网络视频分类。

  • Single layer perceptron neural network BP neural network and RBF neural network are used to recognize vehicle target by features vector . Finally the recognition result is fused by using the voting method average Bayes classifier and committee of expert to get the final result .

    采用单层感知机网络、BP网络、径向基网络对汽车目标的特征数据进行识别,最后分别运用 多数 投票、平均Bayes、专家委员会三种融合算法把对各网络识别结果进行融合,得出最终判别 结果

  • According to the continuous space model for emotion an improved queuing voting algorithm was proposed to implement the fusion of multiple emotion classifiers for a good emotion recognition result .

    分别利用普通话情感语音库和德语情感语音库进行 实验,结果 表明,与几种传统融合算法相比,改进的排序式 选举法能够取得更好的融合 效果,其识别性能明显优于单分类器。

  • Then by voting in classifier it will classify the unclassified data and add the feedback mechanism according to the judge result .

    在分类器的构造上,本文将分类规则赋予权值,然后在分类器中采用 投票的方式对未分类数据进行分类,并根据规则加入对训练数据的判断 结果的反馈机制。

  • Summary inquiry module achieved that leadership require the voting result of the meeting . Application maintenance module achieved that secretary maintain application parameters .

    应用维护模块实现了领导对会议 表决 结果的查询和秘书对应用参数的维护功能。

  • Unionists meanwhile are trying to convince Scots that voting no would result in a hefty dose of new powers .

    与此同时,统派正在试图使苏格兰人确信: 投票支持统一将 使苏格兰获得大量新权益。

  • For getting external voting result for decision maker we use multicsingle chip computer to compose as a voting system by communication .

    利用单片机 通过多机通讯 研究投票表决系统,该系统具有可靠性高、自我检测功能强等特点。

  • During the process of forming resolutions if there occur flaws in decision making methods or voting patterns or illegal contents appear in resolution the resolutions will become flawed as a result .

    如果决议的过程中,决议方法或 表决方式有瑕疵,或是决议内容存在违法违章的情况,这样的决议就会被称为有瑕疵的决议。

  • After obtained points on the blurring iris exterior boundary from computed image grey scale curves for several rows pairs of chords and voting scheme are used to search its center which result in fast location of the outer boundary .

    利用图像灰度曲线得到模糊外边缘的边缘点,根据圆的相交弦性质以及 投票策略确定虹膜外边缘的圆心, 从而快速定位虹膜外边缘。

  • One80-year-old voting for the first time saw the result as Bangladesh 's brightest day since the assassination of Sheikh Hasina 's father in1975 .

    一位八十岁的老婆婆认为,这个她首次 投票选出来的政府,将带领孟加拉人民迎 来自1975年孟加拉国父(哈西娜之父)遇刺以来最为璀璨的明天。

  • Our ensemble classifier is based on voting mechanism and its final result acquires a best accuracy on the common data set through integrating outcomes obtaining by the two basic classifiers . ( 3 ) Proposing a2-layer enzyme classification model based on multi-label learning .

    本文的集成分类器基于 投票的机制,最终 预测 结果集成了两种基分类器的分类结果,在公用数据集中取得了最佳的分类效果。(3)提出了基于多标签学习的双层酶分类模型。

  • In this paper we focus on software method by setting voting points onto the critical task and comparing the intermediate result or the application data .

    本文采用软件的方法,在关键任务中设立 表决点,对中间 结果和应用数据进行比较和表决。

  • But the benefits of voting must be weighed against the chances of influencing the result .

    但是还必须要在 投票带来的好处和影响 选举 结果的可能性之间进行权衡。

  • Abuse should be taken into account to determine the exercise of voting procedures the purpose of the exercise of the voting rights voting rights such as the combined result of the exercise .

    判断滥用应当综合考虑表决权的行使程序、股东行使表决权的目的、 表决权行使的综合 结果等。

  • On December12th the Federal Supreme Judicial Court made the judgment by the voting result of5:4 to overturn the decision of continuing the manual recounting made by Florida Supreme Court .

    12月12日联邦最高法院以5比4票的 表决 结果作出裁定,“推翻佛罗里达州最高法院命令继续人工计票的的决定”。

  • For voter the system protects their secrets . For voting result the project ensures the impartiality .

    该系统,对于投票者,其隐私得到了保护;对于 选票 结果,其公正性得到了保证。

  • To give a relatively integral mobile agent secure architecture . To pose some policy as voting of computing result in route security timestamp technology and so on .

    形成相对整体的移动agent安全框架,对路径安全中的计算 结果 表决,时间戳技术等安全策略提出自己的方案;

  • Voting form and valid voting result of the decision-making body ;

    决策机构 表决形式和有效 结果

  • The traditional decision fusion algorithms such as majority voting treats the recognition result of each partition equally and the confidence differences in the partition recognition results are ignored .

    依照传统的决策融合算法如多数 投票法,各子模块的识别 结果被同等看待,忽视了识别结果信心的差异。

  • The Great Powers in particular America and Britain significantly influence the polices of these institution possess the most voting power and as a result limit the participation of other states and influence economic change through coercive measures .

    结果,大国(尤其是美国和英国)显著影响着这些机构的决策,拥有了大部分 投票权, 因此通过强制措施限制了其他国家的参与和影响力。

  • Verifiability : The voting result can be verified by anyone .

    可验证性: 投票 结果可被验证。