vomiting gas

['vɒmɪtɪŋ ɡæs]['vɒmɪtɪŋ ɡæs]


  • All the three patients manifested as intestinal obstruction including symptoms of abdominal pain nausea vomiting failure of stool and gas pass .

    3例均表现为肠梗阻征象:腹痛、恶心 呕吐肛门 停止排便 排气

  • One is the first acupuncture sweat vomiting purgation and the second is the original gas the gas the Sun Sheng Yin four acupuncture techniques .

    其一是首创针刺汗、 、下法,其二是独创 上、气下、升阳、升阴四大针刺手法。

  • Results 4 patients were 2 males and 2 females and aged 2 ~ 6 days . Clinical manifestation included vomiting dyspnea pallor abdominal distension and crescent gas under diaphragm showed in abdominal plain film .

    结果4例患儿中男、女各2例,发病时间为出生后2~6天,患儿突然出现 呕吐、呼吸困难、 面色苍白,腹部膨隆。