The preparation of α asarone from volatile oil of grassleaf sweetflag rhizome via alkali fusion was investigated .
对 KOH熔融法从石菖蒲 挥发油(以下简称挥发油)制备α细辛醚的 工艺过程进行了研究。
According to the characteristics that vitamin C can absorb ultraviolet radiation and is volatile to alkali this article establishes a new and fast method to determine the content of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables by ultraviolet spectrophotometry .
本文利用维生素C具有对紫外产生吸收和对 碱 不 稳定的特性,建立了紫外分光光度快速测定水果、蔬菜维生素C含量的新方法。
Using volatile acid and alkali to regulate the pH of pressed juice from bamboo shell saltless Fraction ⅰ and Fraction ⅱ were got separately .
采用 挥发性酸和 碱调节鲜笋壳压榨液pH值,分别获得无盐FractionⅠ和fractionⅡ;
But biomass contains high amounts of volatile alkali metals and chlorine which can cause deposition corrosion and agglomeration during combustion .
但生物质中含有大量 易 挥发 的 碱金属和氯元素,在燃烧过程中会造成沉积、聚团和腐蚀等问题。
The results showed that 60 % conversion of volatile oil and 33 % yield of α asarone could be attained using low alkali amount and without dehydration before recrystallization .
结果表明:在使用低的 碱用量、产物重结晶前不经无水硫酸钠脱除残余水分的条件下, 挥 发油的转化率可达60%,α细辛醚的一次得率可达33%。
Chlorine is a volatile element in the acidic media for its activity in chemistry and can be absorbed by alkali substance .
氯的化学性质活泼,在酸性介质中具有 挥发性,由 碱性物质吸收。
美[ˈvɑlətl ˈælkəˌlaɪ]英[ˈvɔlətail ˈælkəˌlaɪ]