Here even time and space were visually melded with the help of light-kinetic principles .
在这里,遵循光动原则,时间和空间都 可视化 地融合了。
We live in a 3D world and think visually .
我们生活在一个3D世界中, 以 视觉 方式思考。
The special performance included headsets for the visually impaired and sign language interpreters for the hearing impaired .
这场特别的表演还分别提供耳机和手语表演给 视障与听障儿童。
The disappearance of monomer droplets at the onset of interval III can be observed visually .
在阶段Ⅲ开始时就可以 目视观察到单体液滴的消失。
UML has given architects and developers a way of visually understanding object-orientated systems and their interactions .
UML为设计师和开发者提供一个为面向对象系统和它们内部之间交互过程实现 可视化的方法。
Visually designing shader programs and effect files .
There are 1.7 million blind and visually impaired people in Britain .
英国有170万失明和 视力受损人口。
These various covers illustrate how we used illustration with typography to visually differentiate the various programs offered ;
这些各式各样的封面插图说明我们如何使用与印刷术在 视觉 上区分各种方案提供设计程序;
I mean Oedipus murdered his father and married his mother after which he was visually challenged .
我的意思是,俄狄 浦斯谋杀了他的父亲,娶了他的母亲为妻,接着他变成了一个瞎子。
His style is slick and visually exciting .
他的演技娴熟, 赏心悦目。
The concept and the presentation are simple and the composition of crime and map data is visually powerful .
这种概念和呈现方式非常简单,犯罪和地图数据复合之后提供的 可视化的功能非常强大。
The printed copy preserves report pagination and is visually identical to the report you view on the screen .
打印的副本保留了报表分页,与在显示屏上查看时具有相同的 视觉 效果。
You can now organize your folders in Windows in a visually appealing and recognizable way !
现在你可以组织你的文件夹在Windows在 视觉 上的吸引力,可辨识方法!
Some software development processes suggest modeling and designing software visually as a best practice to avoid this problem .
一些软件开发过程建议将 可视 地建模和设计软件作为避免此问题的最佳实践。
You should also visually denote whether the Eclipse plug-in registry actually loaded a physically present plug-in .
我们还应该 可以 直观 地看出某个Eclipse插件注册项是否真正加载了一个物理存在的插件。
The systems are visually and functionally similar .
这些系统在 外观和功能上是相似的。
You will see below that IBM Data Studio provides convenient GUI support to define this mapping visually .
下面您将看到,IBMDataStudio为 可视化 地定义这种映射提供了方便的GUI支持。
Visual : It is stacked or posted to show the current status and progress visually .
可视化:堆放或者张贴着的 看板 直观 地展示了当前的状态和进度。
The results of model validation are communicated visually to the user .
模型验证的结果会对用户进行 可视化的交流。
The user role and process human task mapping is visually manageable .
用户角色和流程人工任务映射可以 可视 地加以管理。
Some people learn better visually .
通过 可视化,一些人学得更好了。
These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something .
这些动词指 视觉 上或精神上意识到某物。
The process shows you how to visually model software to capture the structure and behavior of architectures and components .
该流程指导您如何 可视化建模软件来获取架构和组件的结构和行为。
Forms and views allow you to visually define complex structures .
表单和视图允许您 可视 地定义复杂的结构。
Visually there can be several different styles that are all consistent with experience keywords and goals .
视觉 上的内容可以有多种不同的风格,每种都包含了体验关键字和目标。
He explained the journey visually by use of pictures .
他运用图片 形象 地讲述了这次旅行。
These symbols have a rich cultural meaning reflecting visually value orientation and culture intension of Olympics ideal .
这些标志有着丰富的文化含义, 形象 地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。
This was not only visually appealing but essential for the vibrational effect .
这不仅在 视觉 上很迷人,而且对振动效果十分必要。
G2 is always visually embedded in your website no matter what theme you choose .
无论你选择了何种外观主题,G2总是被 可视化 地嵌入到你的网站中。
In the exhibit visually intriguing images and floor patterns graphically depict the burden of disease from tobacco .
在展览 上, 富于 视觉 冲击力的图片和地板设计生动地刻画了烟草造成的疾病负担。