wage disparity

[wedʒ dɪˈspærɪti][weidʒ dɪˈspærɪti:]

[经] 工资差别

  • Social issues are also addressed and the plan aims to increase the minimum wage by more than 80 per cent from current levels as part of several measures aimed at addressing income disparity .

    同时提及的还有社会问题:作为解决收入 差距问题的多项举措之一,十二五规划目标将最低 工资从目前的水平上调逾80%。

  • The analysis of the staff s average wage disparity in different system of ownership in Henan Province ; Income Gap between Migrants and Urban Residents

    河南省不同所有制 职工 工资 收入 差距浅析农民工与城镇职工的收入 差距&基于半参数方法的分析

  • Structure Adjustment Labour Mobility and the Spatial Wage Disparity Industrial Relations Act

    结构调整、劳动力流动与地区 工资 差异

  • Accordingly many economists argue that trade accounts for at least some of the growing wage disparity between high-and low-skilled workers in America Britain and other advanced economies .

    相应的,一些经济学家认为自由贸易至少是造成英美和其他发达经济国家里高技术和低技术劳动路持续增长的 薪水 差距的部分原因。

  • We should offer equal education opportunity to everyone improve the quality of labor force and lay the foundation for the reduction of wage disparity and the elevation of wage level .

    以提供平等的教育机会,提高我国劳动力质量,为缩小 工资 差距和提高工资水平创造条件;

  • The Hong Kong government said it would raise the minimum wage by 7 per cent in May next year as it tries to allay concerns about a growing disparity between the rich and the poor in the city .

    香港政府表示,将于明年5月份将最低 工资提高7%,旨在缓解人们对香港贫富 差距不断扩大的担忧。